Sandusky Grand Jury Report Details How Victims Were Chosen, Abused

Update: Nov. 28 at 3:53 p.m. ET: Jerry Sandusky Hires Private Investigator to Probe Penn State Scandal: report
A grand jury report has revealed that Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant coach, not only had access to hundreds of underage boys through his charity, The Second Mile, but also detailed how Sandusky would allegedly sexually molest the boys and showered them with gifts.
The very graphic report on the multi-year investigation carried out by 33rd Statewide Investigating Grand Jury regarding Sandusky's reported sexual assaults of minor male children for years, stated that the former assistant coach founded The Second Mile, a charity for that helped troubled boys, in 1977. It is now a statewide, three region charity with Sandusky as the primary fundraiser.
The Second Mile raises millions of dollars through fundraising and special events. Sandusky retired from The Second Mile in 2010.
The program had access to hundreds of boys, many of whom were vulnerable due to their social situations, the report noted.
Sandusky was employed at Penn State for 23 years as defensive coordinator of its Division 1 collegiate football team. He coached a total of 32 years.
Sandusky was charged on Saturday on suspicion of 40 counts of child sex abuse. He has been accused of sexually molesting eight young boys over a period of nearly 15 years.
Sandusky has since denied the charges.
Mark Madden, who writes for the Beaver County Times, has said that Sandusky might have been pimping out children with The Second Mile program to rich Penn State donors.
But here is how the grand jury report detailed how Sandusky chose his victims.
Victim 1 -- a Second Mile participant was a house guest at Sandusky's residence in College Township, Center County, Penn. The grand jury was told that Sandusky allegedly indecently fondled this victim and performed oral sex on him more than 20 times between 2007 and 2008. The former coach also allegedly had the victim perform oral sex on him once during that time period.
This victim was 11 or 12 years old at the time of meeting Sandusky in 2005 or 2006. He caught Sandusky's attention when he attended The Second Mile's camp on the Penn State University Park campus.
Sandusky would take the boy to professional and college sporting events and showered him with gifts, including clothes and cash. This victim would sleep over at Sandusky's house and the former coach had a habit of going into the boy's basement room at bedtime to crack his back. The victim described this as Sandusky getting onto the bed he was lying on and rolling under him; when they were face-to-face Sandusky would run his arms up and down the boy's back and crack it.
The back-cracking became a ritual at bedtime, the document stated, noting that Sandusky would also rub the victim's backside when they lay face-to-face.
The victim ceased contact with Sandusky when he became a freshman in high school but Sandusky would routinely contact him at his high school.
Victim 2 - On March 1, 2002, a 28-year-old Penn State graduate assistant reportedly caught Sandusky in a locker room shower on the campus with this victim, about 10 years old, with his hands up against the wall.
[The victim was] being subjected to anal intercourse by a naked Sandusky, the document noted. The graduate assistant left immediately, distraught.
The assistant, who is now identified as Mike McQueary, reported what he saw to Head Coach Joe Paterno who called Tim Curley, Penn State athletic director, and Paterno's immediate supervisor to his home the following day to report what the assistant told him.
A little more than a week later, the assistant was called to a Curley and Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Gary Schultz. The assistant told them what he saw.
Curley and Schultz assured the graduate assistant that they would take a look into it and determine what further action they would take, the document read. Paterno was not present at the meeting.
Curley didn't report the incident to university police or the regular police department. Schultz oversaw the university police as part of his position.
Schultz had testified that the allegations against Sandusky were not that serious and that he and Curley had no indication that a crime had occurred, the document stated.
He also didn't attempt to learn the identity of the boy who was in the shower in 2002.
No one from the university did so, the document stated. Schultz did not ask the graduate assistant for specifics. No one ever did.
The university board of trustee fired Paterno, 84, on Wednesday, which sparked a riot from university students.
Penn State President Graham Spanier, one of the longest-serving college presidents in the U.S., was also let go because of the scandal.
Authorities have said that Spanier and Paterno didn't do all that they could when the accusations against Sandusky molesting the 10-year-old came to light.
Spanier has testified that Curley and Schultz came to him in 2002 to report the incident.
But the court documents noted that Spanier described what he was told as Jerry Sandusky in the football building locker area in the shower with a younger child and that they were horsing around in the shower.
Spanier also said he didn't know the identity of the person who reported the behavior.
McQueary was told that Sandusky's key to the locker room was taken away and that the incident was reported to The Second Mile. McQueary wasn't questioned by university police or anyone who were apart of the investigation until he testified for the grand jury last December.
Court documents stated that Sandusky wasn't banned from any Penn State buildings and Curley has admitted that the ban on bringing children to the campus was unenforceable.
The grand jury also said it found that portions of the testimony of Curley and Schultz are not credible. It also concluded that the incident should have been reported to the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare and/or law enforcement agency such as the university police or the Pennsylvania State Police.
The grand jury said it finds the graduate assistant's testimony extremely credible.
Victim 3 - Now 24 years old, met Sandusky at The Second Mile in the summer of 2000 when he was between the seventh and eighth grade. Like the first victim, the third was invited to go places and was invited to Sandusky's home for dinner, to hang out, to walk the family dog and to go to Penn State football games.
Sandusky made him feel bad about showering at a distance from him, so Victim 3 moved closer, the document stated. Sandusky initiated physical contact in the shower with Victim 3 by patting him, rubbing his shoulders, washing his hair and giving him bear hugs, these hugs would be both face to face and with Sandusky's chest to Victim 3's back.
Sandusky allegedly would also go into the basement room where this victim would stay in his house and give him shoulders rubs, blow on his chest and tickle his thighs and twice touch the boy's private area through his gym shorts.
Victim 4 is now 27 and was also a Second Mile participant who was allegedly singled out by Sandusky at age 12 or 13 between 1996 and 1997. The document stated that this victim was subjected to involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and indecent assault at the hands of Sandusky on Penn State Park campus, at golf a golf resort and conference center.
Sandusky first made contact with the victim while swimming and also showered with this victim and starting a soap battle in which he threw a handful of soap at the boy. From there Sandusky allegedly wrestled with the boy in the shower.
Sandusky allegedly would kiss the victim's inner thighs and private parts and him perform oral sex and also attempted to have anal sex with him.
Sandusky never asked to do these things but would see what Victim 4 would permit him to do, the documents noted.
Sandusky once threatened to send the boy home while in Texas if he resisted his advances, according to the grand jury report.
The former coach would also persuade this boy with gifts before he started distancing himself from Sandusky who wanted more sexual contact with him.
Victim 5, who is now 22, was also found through The Second Mile in 1995 or 1996 when he was seven or eight years old. Sandusky has been accused of putting his hands on this victim when they were driving to Penn State locker rooms. He would allegedly persuade this victim to shower and would rub the victim's arms and shoulders.
Sandusky also placed this victim's hand on his private area.
Victim 6, now 24, was also part of The Second Mile program. He met Sandusky when he was seven or eight years old in 1994 or 1995. Sandusky first interacted with Victim 6 at a Second Mile picnic at Spring Creek Park and then invited the boy to tailgate and attend a football game with some other boys.
Victim 6 recalls being taken into the locker room next to Holuba Hall at Penn State by Sandusky when he was 11 year old, in 1998. Sandusky picked him up at his home, telling him he was going to be working out. As they were driving to the University, Sandusky put his right hand upon Victim 6's left thigh several times.
After lifting weights and playing invented games, Sandusky began wrestling with Victim 6, who was much smaller than Sandusky. Then Sandusky said they needed to shower, even though Victim 6 was not sweaty.
This left the victim feeling awkward and he tried to go shower at a distance, away from Sandusky, who allegedly called him over, saying he had already warmed up a shower for the boy.
Once in the shower, Sandusky allegedly approached the boy, grabbed him around the waist and said, 'I'm going to squeeze your guts out.'
Sandusky then continued to lather the boy's back.
Victim 6 testified that the entire shower episode felt very awkward. No one else was around when this occurred.
When Victim 6 was dropped off at home, his hair was wet and his mother immediately questioned him about this and was upset to learn the boy had showered with Sandusky. She reported the incident to the University police, who investigated. After a lengthy investigation by the University Police Detective Ronald Shreffler, the investigation was closed after then-Centre County District Attorney Ray Gricar decided there would be no criminal charges.
Victim 6's mother allowed Detective Shreffler and State College Police Department Detective Ralph Ralston to listen in on two conversations she had with Sandusky regarding the showering incident.
Sandusky admitted that he had showered with other boys and that he knew he was wrong for what he did.
During the 1998 investigation, Sandusky was interviewed on June 1, 1998 by Jerry Lauro, an investigator with the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, and with Detective Schreffler.
Sandusky admitted showering naked with Victim 6, admitted to hugging Victim 6 while in the shower and admitted that that was wrong. Detective Shreffler advised Sandusky not to shower with any child again and Sandusky said that he would not.
Victim 7 also met Sandusky through the Second Mile program in 1994. The boy would attend Sandusky's son's football games with him and sometimes he would stay at Sandusky's home the night before the Penn State home games, which he would also attend.
Victim 7 testified that Sandusky made him uncomfortable when he was a young boy. He described Sandusky putting his hand on Victim 7's left thigh when they were driving in the car or when they would pull into his garage.
He also described more than one occasion on which Sandusky put his hands down the waistband of Victim 7's pants. Although Victim 7 says Sandusky didn't touch his private parts, he was still very uncomfortable.
The two would cuddle when Victim 7 stayed over Sandusky's house. Sandusky also bear-hugged him, cracked his back, and shared showers. Victim 7 has not had contact with Sandusky or his family in nearly two years.
Victim 8 - In the fall of 2000, a janitor named James Jim Calhoun observed Sandusky in the showers of the Lasch Building with a young boy pinned up against the wall, performing oral sex on the boy. The boy was described as being between 11 and 13 years old.
Victim 8's identity is not known. Jim's immediate supervisor, Jay Witherite, testified what happened that night, but Jim never did.
A report from The Daily Beast surfaced on Thursday that Pennsylvania police are receiving additional calls identifying potential child abuse victims of Sandusky.
Read the full Grand Jury report here.
IB Times reporter Julia Greenberg contributed to this report.
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