Sesame Street's lavishly compensated Big Bird.  Reuters

Mitt Romney never could have predicted the reaction when he mentioned during the presidential debate that his love of Big Bird wouldn’t stop him from cutting the federal subsidy to PBS if he’s elected. Twitter nearly exploded in the minutes right after Romney’s comments, but that was nothing compared to the “Sesame Street” character’s appearance on “Saturday Night Live,” in an Obama campaign ad and now a reincarnation as a sexy Halloween costume.

Both and have taken advantage of the nation’s newfound obsession and are now capitalizing on it with “Sexy Big Bird” and “Sassy Big Bird” costumes, both available for purchase in time for Halloween.

Each costume has a yellow dress and head attachment to go along with pink and orange knee-high stockings that the real Big Bird would be proud of. Both costumes are clearly designed to attract the attention of male trick-or-treaters who will probably be celebrating in bars and would never have been as excited to see an eight-foot tall yellow bird.

ABC News reported that although Costume Craze sold out of their first stockpile of Big Bird costumes before the debate, Romney’s comments have led to skyrocketing sales. A representative told ABC “the 500 percent increase must be due to Big Bird’s increased popularity post-debate.”

Another Halloween store executive based in Texas told ABC that the costumes seem to be going to Democrats, as the decidedly feminine versions of Big Bird have been flying off the shelves around the liberal city of Austin.

“We have four store locations, and all of them are selling out of the Big Bird costumes,” she said, adding that the couple’s costume winner was a pairing of Big Bird and President Barack Obama. A Big Bird-Romney pair with the GOP candidate “with a machine gun doing Big Bird in” also fared well.

The sassy versions of Elmo and the Cookie Monster were not met with the same demand.