Republican state Rep. Curt Nisly wants to define human life as beginning the moment a human egg is fertilized.
After receiving backlash for her comments about abortion, actress Lena Dunham has issued an apology.
Lena Dunham made a lot of netizens upset with her abortion comments.
The study examined 1,000 women who sought an abortion during a five-year period.
Gov. John Kasich also vetoed the so-called "Heartbeat" abortion bill.
The new rules mandate the burial or cremation of embryonic and fetal tissue resulting from abortions, regardless of a woman's personal wishes.
The state's Department of Health and Human Services released an updated abortion information packet containing inaccurate information about future breast cancer risk and infertility.
Religious groups in Malawi have united to oppose a proposed bill expanding women’s rights to abortions.
The measure now goes to the House, which passed a similar bill. If signed into law, it would be the most restrictive in the nation.
Brazil's Supreme Court this week decriminalized early-term abortions, marking a departure from the country's previous policy of prohibiting the procedure unless the mother had been raped or her life was in danger.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the abortion rate of 12.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years in 2013 was down 5 percent from 2012.
The Pre-Born Protection and Dignity Act would prohibit partial birth abortions and the donation of fetal tissue.
The proposal comes as Republican lawmakers controlling statehouses across the nation, Congress and the White House have vowed to crack down on abortion rights.
Planned Parenthood, an organization Pence has vowed to de-fund, has received 20,000 donations in his name since Election Day.
Small-town birth rates for teens are 63 percent higher than teen birth rates in large cities.
Xo Villanueva (Andrea Navedo) of “Jane the Virgin” has an exciting new storyline on Season 3 as she opens her own dance studio.
"As far as Planned Parenthood is concerned, I'm pro-life," Trump has said.
Trump said he would work toward overturning the Supreme Court's landmark decision protecting abortion rights.
A former Republican presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon, Carson does not believe in evolution and once called the Big Bang a "ridiculous" idea.
Medication abortions have made big gains on surgery in the United States.
Trump, who has said in the past that women who have abortions should be punished, said Clinton’s policy views will mean more late-term abortions.
El Salvador frequently accuses women who miscarry of having abortions and charges them with homicide.