ECJ says France can't make Airbnb register as estate agent
French hotels protest 'outrageous' Airbnb-Olympics deal
Airbnb incurs Paris wrath over Olympics partnership
Airbnb said Wednesday it would verify all seven million of its listings worldwide after a deadly shooting at one of its California homes fueled fresh safety concerns about the lodging platform.
Airbnb has suffered a humiliating election defeat in Jersey City, which voted overwhelmingly to clamp down on the home sharing company's activities in the New York City suburb.
The famous home where Lily and James Potter resided with their infant son Harry is now available to stay in on Airbnb.
Airbnb is banning "party houses" following a deadly shooting at a California a property rented on the platform
Airbnb is banning "party houses" on the platform after a tragedy at an Airbnb property in San Francisco left five people dead.
Retired NBA player, Metta World Peace, is starting his own Airbnb for basketball pickup games.
Airbnb's rise provoked severe criticism among some who say it undermines local hotel industries and squeezes rental and real estate markets to make cities less affordable
Ian and Denise Feltham booked a luxurious accommodation worth $11,800 based on Airbnb listing. On arrival, they discovered that they have been conned.
Luch Schuhmann was first reported missing on Thursday and search parties have had no success locating her as of Tuesday.
The home-sharing giant reported $1 billion in revenue in the second quarter but did not reveal anything about profitability.
Airbnb rise has provoked complaints it makes cities less affordable for residents
The Taliban insists talks with the Trump administration leading to the withdrawal of all foreign troops must resume.
The Italian government has banned large cruise ships from entering the historic Venice city center and Venice's grand canal.
The number of Airbnb properties has exploded since its founding in 2008. A hospitality management expert looked at how this has hurt hotels.
Beware of an ongoing Airbnb scam that can hack your account and steal your money.
A 38-year-old Uber driver has been arrested after attempting to break into the residence of his passengers after dropping them off at an airport.
Airbnb may garner even more attention than ever, after making an exciting announcement about an opportunity for two guests to spend the night after hours at the famous Louvre Museum in Paris.
Airbnb has acquired HotelTonight, a last-minute booking service for boutique and independent hotels.
Get familiar with the home-sharing giant -- it's expected to make a splash in the market later this year.