Social network is preparing to launch something great according to its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.
Recent numbers from Nielsen may be suggesting Google's Android isn't growing at same pace it once was.
A careful analysis of past comments by Apple executives and reports by research firms reveals some features that will not be showcased in the upcoming iPhone 5.
Skype, which is being bought by Microsoft for $8.5 billion, introduced a new service on Thursday allowing users of Android phones to make free video calls to Skype contacts, including those on Apple iPhones.
Is Cisco set to enter a tablet market dominated by Apple?
HP first officially launched its tablet, the TouchPad, in February and now, after four-months, the 9.7-inch tablet which runs on webOS juice will be available from July 1.
The myTouch 4G Slide proclaims it is now the top smartphone camera on the market, rising above the popular iPhone 4. T-Mobile's myTouch 4G Slide carries enough hardware power and quality performance to prove its worthiness among a sea of competitors.
The Apple iPhone 5 buzz is getting louder with each passing day and the latest suggestion is that Apple will offer iPhone 3GS for free with a 2-year contract when it launches iPhone 5 later this year.
Search giant Google has come up with mobile Google Sites to enable businesses to enter the mobile space.
Apple rumors have been keying in on a potential free iPhone 3GS offer after the launching of the highly anticipated iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S. Signing a 2 year contract enables users to pickup a free iPhone 3GS as part of perhaps 2 strategies for Apple. First is clearing inventory and the second is tapping into the low to mid-range smartphone user consumer market.
The most attractive feature about the phone is a blue Facebook button at the bottom.
The reigning social network king Facebook will have another reason to keep Google in their sights. The online search giant has introduced its latest attempt to step back into the social network scene with Google+.
The intial reviews for HP's new tablet, the TouchPad, are in and the device is being released in a crowded field led by Apple's iPad 2.
PC giant Hewlett-Packard (HP) will be launching its Touchpad tablet device in United States on July 1.
Google has some advantages with Google+ over Facebook such as privacy, exclusivity and integration.
Going by the latest reports, it looks unlikely that there will be a new iPhone this Fall. Not even a 'baby' iPhone, a cheaper version for the emerging markets! Gadget lovers can’t wait to know the latest titbit about the possible iPhone launch. Some say they want to see the iPhone 5 on the store so that they can explore the features of iPhone 6.
Apple is facing a lot of pressure this year with Android beating the technology giant in several categories, including the top smartphone spot. However, Apple isn't one to give up easily and expectations are high that with iPhone 5 release Apple will regain its top position in a highly competitive smartphone jungle.
An analyst says Apple may offer free iPhones with AT&T soon. There's a catch, though - a two-year service contract.
Google+ looks a lot like Facebook; however, dig deeper and you'll see there's more than meets the eye.
The latest rumors have reported Apple to offer its iPhone 3GS for free as it makes way for the launch of their upcoming iPhone 5. The iPhone 3GS will be given out for $0 if customers sign onto a two year contract. Consumers waiting for the iPhone 5 may not be an ideal target, but those who fall in the mid or low-range smartphone buyers market will find the offer enticing.
Google has stepped back into the social network ring with the launch of Google+ (Plus). The new social network hopes to succeed where Google's previous Buzz project failed by creating a more natural way for users to connect. The focus is by first playing it safe through utilizing basic functions of sharing photos, chatting, and meeting friends, and then builds on that with some unique features that rival Facebook's groups and text message blasts.
Apple will reportedly offer the iPhone 3GS for free with a two-year contract when the next generation of iPhone becomes available this fall.