The acclaimed mobile game can now be purchased by anyone.
Fee-free Friday and Fresh Air Friday are two new names for the greener version of Black Friday.
The DLC is currently undergoing development, but will support the game until 2016 and beyond.
The new expansion brings new cards and wings to the mix.
Imposing U.S. copyright laws on other countries through the Trans-Pacific Partnership would stifle Internet freedom and innovation, rights groups say.
No word yet on what the DLC is, though new cars are an easy guess.
Arizona State University's business school announced it will make its two-year full-time M.B.A. program free starting next fall.
The South African Paralympian was sentenced to five years in prison for killing his girlfriend in 2013.
Explore a city as a dog in this open-world game.
The acclaimed platformer is free for a while.
The first episode of the critically acclaimed series is now free, just in time for the game's finale.
The highly addictive puzzle RPG will be a paid game when it hits consoles later this year.
The DLC includes extra missions, costumes and boss fights.
The highly anticipated mobile game comes out on Sept. 10 and is the second "Star Wars" story released as part of the new expanded universe.
There's a full calendar of New York City events to say your goodbyes to the season.
The core game of "Guild Wars 2" is now free-to-play, in preparation for the "Heart of Thorns" expansion pack.
All the 16 episodes of the two part “Outlander” TV series were screened for free at a cinema hall in Santa Fe.
Over 132 new cards have been introduced, with each class getting nine new cards.
Players of the game will benefit greatly from the small additions and improvements of the new patch and downloadable content this week.
Capcom is taking an interesting spin with the DLC announcement for the upcoming game, with the first of four original fighters in the roster unmasked.
A new deal for the week offers a free game bundled with the Xbox One for U.S. residents.
Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 users can opt for clean install of Windows 10 at no cost. You might even find an icon on your desktop asking you to do so. It's all in the service of Microsoft putting Windows 10 on 1 billion devices by 2018.