Ralph Nader

iOS 4.3 Unveiled at Apple's iPad 2 Event

Apple, along with the launch of iPad2, has officially updated its iOS mobile operating system to 4.3, with features including a faster browser, iTunes home sharing and enhancements to AirPlay.

Regulation Era - The 60's Return

The decade of the 1960s stood orthodoxy on its head. It was a time when alternative everything got a hearing. Expertise came into doubt; the phrase some decisions are too important to be left to the experts was heard everywhere.

Toyota warned dealers of crash risk in 2007

When Toyota Motor Corp concluded that seemingly harmless floormats posed a danger in all of its cars and trucks, the automaker sent a stark warning intended to prevent crashes.

Obama administration steps up pressure on Toyota

The Obama administration stepped up the pressure on Toyota Motor Corp on Wednesday to address a range of safety issues as investors bolted at signs of a deepening crisis for the world's largest automaker.

Groups urge EU to block Oracle's plan to buy Sun

EU regulators should block Oracle Corp's plan to buy open source database MySQL via its takeover of Sun Microsystems Inc as Oracle may hinder MySQL's development, two technology and consumer groups said.
