Twitch may soon join Google's YouTube video empire amid rumors that it has purchased the gaming live stream platform for $1 billion.
Launched in June 2011, Twitch allows users to upload and watch for free video games being played in real time.
What's more, the app will come with broadcasting functionality, chat, following abilities and notifications.
Since “Twitch Plays Pokemon” launched on Feb. 12, the Twitch channel has received more than 14 million views and has attracted as many as 80,000 active players.
Gaming site Twitch currently has over 45 million monthly viewers.
Twitch TV streaming will be delayed on the Xbox One for months.
Twitch, the game-play stream viewing and broadcasting service, has landed on Xbox 360 today.
Neurowear has unveiled a cat ear like hair band called the, Necomimi, which have abilities to wiggle, twitch, perk up or flop down by responding to user's brainwaves, at its promotional event in Tokyo on May 8.