Amazon is working on a new video video messaging service, which it plans to unveil during its re:Invent AWS conference later this month, according to TechCrunch.
World Of Warcraft's newest expansion, Legion, officially comes out today. Here are three entertaining guys to watch if you want to get in on the action without actually playing the game.
Facebook is making a major push through a new partnership with Blizzard, but will gamers warm to the social network?
The first game for the new league will be "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive."
Competitive gaming is dominated by PCs and consoles but "Vainglory" is bringing sponsorships and prize money to mobile games.
After the themed Crimson Days event, things have returned to normal in "Destiny."
In addition to Lumberyard, Amazon launched Gamelift for online multiplayer games.
Only eight players are left in the "Hearthstone" World Championship.
Whether you have $100 or an endless supply of cash to spend, here's how to get started with streaming on Twitch and YouTube Gaming.
The first ever TwitchCon is happening in San Francisco, and there are big things coming to the video streaming platform.
The video game streaming platform will allow users to create a playlist of their past broadcasts and highlights. Beta signup is now open; find out how here.
Currently in development, it will have VR and streaming capabilities perfect for Twitch.
When not on the road or playing at festivals like Tomorrowland, Arty likes to play everything from "League of Legends" to "FIFA."
The video game streaming platform and community is also implementing Javascript.
The app Mobcrush is now out of private beta testing.
Twitch will carry the Los Angeles event, which will feature "Heroes of the Storm" and "The StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void."
YouTube Gaming will be available on the Web and as an app for Android and iOS devices.
The Q&A will be held on
Perhaps you remember CD players and boomboxes. The once popular musical devices are now completely irrelevant. Will the same thing happen to video game consoles?
A group of self-described hackers have released thousands of passwords from online services such as Amazon, Hulu Plus and Xbox Live.
When you think of YouPorn, you may not think of competitive video game tournaments. Prepare to change your mind.
Amazon’s third-quarter revenues and profits missed expectations; investors are now concerned the company is stretched too thin.