Star Wars Episode 9
The Emperor's Star Destroyer will have Death Star technology in "Star Wars: Episode 9." Star Wars/Facebook

Newly leaked picture of “Star Wars: Episode 9” may have revealed the deadly new ship that is a part of Emperor Palpatine’s (Ian McDiarmid) fleet. The ship will come equipped with a powerful weapon that may be used in the final battle sequence.

The following article contains spoilers of “Star Wars: Episode 9.”

Last week, Making Star Wars revealed that there is a Sith fleet in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy that is waiting for the return of the Emperor. The report also revealed that the Star Destroyers in this fleet have laser weapons that are as powerful as the Death Star orbital stations, which were the super weapons of the original trilogy. Now, a picture that reveals the look of the ship has surfaced online.

A picture posted on Reddit reveals the new Star Destroyer to be a hammer-shaped ship that has a massive canon at the center. The design of the ship is very similar to the one seen in the reference book “Star Wars: The Rebel Files.” The ship also has a connection to the Empire’s Operation Cinder, which was the Emperor’s last command to his loyal followers.

“Star Wars: Episode 9” will mark the return of the Emperor, and the fleet he asked to regroup in the Unknown Regions was his way of ensuring he will have the power to take the whole galaxy when he returns. The long tunnel of the new super weapon, some fans noticed, suggests that there will be a trench run scene in the upcoming film that will help the heroes destroy the ship.

Meanwhile, an artistic rendition of Zorri’s (Keri Russell) ship has been posted on the Instagram page of Bespin Bulletin. The ship is very similar to the one that left Rey (Daisy Ridley) on the planet Jakku when she was young. It remains to be seen if “Star Wars: Episode 9” will reveal Zorri’s connection to Rey.