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News Corp Sells MySpace for $35 million

News Corp paid $580 million for social media site Myspace six years ago, but today News Corp announced it has sold a majority of its MySpace ownership for $35 million.
US President Obama speaks to the media alongside Google CEO Schmidt in Washington.

White House urged to maintain distance from Google

Consumer Watchdog on Friday said the White House's close relationship with the Google is inappropriate, as the Internet search company is currently under review by Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice, a report said on Friday.
Apple A5Top 10 Most-Wanted iPhone 5 Features (PHOTOS)

All about the Apple iPhone 5

Theories abound as to what Apple is packing into its next generation smartphone and more importantly, when will it come out. Some of these theories make sense, but some are completely off the wall. If you get a kick musing over every speculative tidbit that arises about what's next, this article isn't for you.
An employee walks past the logo of Google

Report: FTC Takes Aim At Google

The Federal Trade Commission is looking to investigate whether or not Google has abused its strong position in web search.
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The Desperate Housewives - Why We Love Them

They have visited our homes since 2004. They made us laugh at their crazy goof-ups, cry when they were unhappy, and root for them when they survived a crisis. In one way or other, most women have identified with their hopes, dreams, and idiosyncrasies. They are...the desperate housewives of Wisteria Lane, Fairview
People play a Kinect boxing game on an XBox 360 gaming console

New Interactive Ads Using Kinect [VIDEO]

Microsoft announced Tuesday it will allow its users to use voice and motion commands to interact with advertisements while playing their favorite game or watching a video through popular Xbox Kinect gaming console. The advertising tool is called NUads, natural user interface ads, which will allow users to say Xbox Tweet to share something about the ad on Twitter.
Graphic FDA cigarette warning lables

FDA Unveils Graphic Cigarette Warning Labels

Cigarette makers are now required to add graphic warning labels depicting rotting teeth, a man exhaling smoke through a hole in his neck, and other images to packaging and advertising in the U.S. by October 22, 2012, government officials said Tuesday.


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