The discovery could pave the way to a potential means of helping us understand the evolution of the solar system.
An asteroid the size of a box truck will expectedly skim the Earth on Thursday night, according to NASA.
Scientists have long tried to figure out why Jupiter's asteroid populations are asymmetrical.
"It definitely seems to be a release valve for some as I've seen people fling asteroids at their workplace and rival sports teams," creator Neal Agarwal said.
The new minerals were found in a small slice of a 15-ton meteorite.
This is only the sixth time in history than an impact was predicted.
It's said to be the largest potentially hazardous asteroid in eight years.
NASA has already estimated the trajectories of all the near-Earth objects till the end of the century.
"Hera will measure the mass of Dimorphos, which will give us a more accurate estimate of how efficient this technique was in deflecting the asteroid," Michael Kueppers, Hera project scientist at ESA, said at a news conference.
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Understanding the process behind lonsdaleite formation could help in manufacturing ultra-hard materials used in the mining industry.
None of the asteroids visiting earth in a span of 4 days are a threat to earth.
The discovery was a serendipitous one since geologist Uisdean Nicholson and his team had originally set out to study the tectonics that drove South America and Africa apart 100 million years ago.
Experts recently ruled out an asteroid believed to impact the Earth on April 2052.
Apollo asteroid 2006GY2 is a "double minor planet."
It can only be observed using large telescopes for two week every April.
Sophisticated models can account for uneven preservation over time and between species.
NASA's CNEOS has reported that two massive asteroids are currently making their way toward Earth's vicinity.
A potentially hazardous asteroid is currently making its way toward Earth and is expected to make a close approach in May.
An asteroid estimated to be the size of the Empire State Building in New York is set to safely fly past Earth Monday.
Three giant asteroids are set to make their close approach to Earth this Saturday. The space rocks are estimated to be larger in size than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
A potentially hazardous asteroid is under close observation by NASA's CNEOS. The massive asteroid has a diameter of about 1.1 miles (1.7 kilometers) -- making it twice the size of the tallest building on Earth, the Burj Khalifa.