Days before the world celebrates Asteroid Day, the European Space Agency (ESA) unveiled the various programs it is currently working on that are focused on protecting the planet from an impact event caused by a near-Earth object.
NASA’s automated asteroid tracking system has detected three massive asteroids that are expected to approach Earth this week. One of the approaching asteroids is classified as potentially hazardous.
A study revealed that a fireball that produced a powerful explosion mid-air might have destroyed one of the first known farming villages in the world. The authors of the study based their claims on various samples taken from an excavation site.
NASA detected an asteroid as big as a building that’s about to fly past Earth. According to the data collected by the agency, the incoming asteroid is expected to intersect the planet’s orbit during its upcoming visit.
A massive asteroid almost as big as the Eiffel Tower in Paris is expected to fly past Earth within the next couple of days, according to the data collected by NASA. Due to the asteroid’s size and orbit, it has been labeled as potentially hazardous.
NASA has spotted a massive near-Earth asteroid that’s expected to fly past the planet soon.
NASA’s asteroid tracking system is currently monitoring a massive asteroid that’s expected to fly past Earth on June 18.
NASA’s automated asteroid tracking system has spotted two near-Earth objects that are expected to fly past the planet on Wednesday (June 17). According to the data collected by the agency, one of the approaching asteroids is almost as big as the Statue of Liberty.
Experts from NASA explained how the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic could help prepare the world for a potentially destructive impact event caused by an asteroid. The experts noted that the current measures implemented by various countries to control the outbreak teach vital lessons about global preparedness.
NASA’s automated asteroid tracking system has detected a massive asteroid that’s expected to approach Earth on Tuesday (June 16). Based on the data gathered by the agency, the incoming asteroid is about as big as the wingspan of a Boeing 747 plane.
NASA and the European Space Agency are monitoring an asteroid that has a "non-zero" probability of colliding with Earth later this year. Based on the data collected by the two agencies, the asteroid is not in danger of causing an impact event due to its small size.
NASA’s automated asteroid tracking system is currently monitoring four near-Earth objects that are expected to fly past the planet this weekend.
NASA’s asteroid tracking system has detected six near-Earth objects that are expected to safely fly past the planet on different days this week. According to the data collected by the agency, the biggest asteroid in the group is almost as big as the Statue of Liberty.
NASA is currently tracking an asteroid that’s expected to fly past Earth on Tuesday (June 9). According to the data collected by the agency, the approaching asteroid follows a wide orbit around the Sun.
NASA’s automated asteroid tracking system has detected a massive asteroid that’s expected to approach Earth on Monday (June 8). According to the data collected by the agency, the approaching asteroid is about as big as a stadium.
NASA is currently monitoring a massive skyscraper-sized potentially hazardous asteroid that’s expected to fly past Earth on Friday.
NASA’s automated asteroid tracking system has detected an approaching near-Earth object that’s bigger than a building.
Astrophysicist Brian May, who is best known as the lead guitarist of the band Queen, has joined a study focused on studying the origins of asteroids. The authors began the study by investigating the subjects of two sample-return asteroid missions.
An asteroid almost as big as a building is expected to approach Earth on Wednesday (June 3). According to NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), the incoming asteroid will cross the planet’s path during its upcoming visit.
Through follow-up observations, a team of researchers was finally able to determine the exact nature of the strange space object they spotted earlier in May. In their initial discovery, the researchers saw an asteroid with a comet-like tail.
NASA’s asteroid tracking system has detected four near-Earth objects that will fly past the planet on Tuesday (June 2). One of the incoming asteroids will approach Earth from a distance that’s almost equivalent to that between the planet and the Moon.
NASA’s automated asteroid tracking system is currently monitoring two asteroids that are expected to fly past Earth on Monday (June 1). Based on the data collected by the agency, the approaching asteroids are not in danger of colliding with Earth during their upcoming visit.