Jobs authorized biography so his kids can know him

Apple CEO Steve Jobs with new tablet computer during launch in San Francisco
Steve Jobs, in pain and too weak to climb stairs a few weeks before his death, wanted his children to understand why he wasn't always there for them, according to the author of his highly anticipated biography.
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Apple's Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs Death: Syrians Claim Apple Co-Founder as One of Their Own

While many learned of Steve Jobs' death on one of his technologically revolutionary inventions, Syrians were quick to claim the Apple co-founder as one of their own, despite only recently discovering that, because of a Syrian-born biological father, Jobs was connected to their homeland.
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Jobs was a manufacturer, and salesman, of love

One day in 1991, when I was working as the Silicon Valley correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, I picked up the phone at my girlfriend’s apartment and was greeted by a soft, friendly voice: “Hey Jonathan, it’s Steve. Steve Jobs.” He wanted something from me — I don’t remember what — and he couldn’t have been nicer.
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Halloween Costumes 2011: 10 Hot Selections for Adults

October is here, and Halloween is near. Pumpkins are about, a chill is in the air, and the colors of black and orange mingle on store shelves with piles of assorted, small candies -- meaning it's time for Halloween Costumes 2011.
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iPad Facebook App Status: M.I.A.

Oops. We'll say it - We, like many other tech sites, may have jumped the gun on our story that the Facebook iPad app would be released on Tuesday at Apple's Let's Talk iPhone event. Unfortunately, the big day has come and gone and still the app was not to be found.
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Asus Won't Lower Prices on Eee Pad Transformer

The arena floor of the tech marketplace is littered with the casualties of the ongoing tablet price wars, some of whom are merely bloodied while others, like the HP TouchPad, are down for the count. Despite the recent pricing capitulations of HTC and BlackBerry, who both lowered prices on their tablets - the Flyer and the Playbook, respectively - by as much as $200 apiece, some makers are resisting pressure to drop their prices.
Steve Jobs Dead: Legendary Inventor Through the Years

Steve Jobs Success Story and Timeline of Health [PHOTOS]

Apple's former CEO Steve Jobs died on Wednesday, family and the company have confirmed. He fought a rare kind of pancreatic cancer and had undergone a liver transplant. Here's a timeline of Jobs' life including his health woes.
Steve Jobs through the Years

The Day After Steve Jobs Died: What Next for Apple?

Now that Steve Jobs is dead, the company he created will serve as one of his greatest legacies. It employs 46,600 worldwide. Annual sales for the period ended Sept. 30 are expected to exceed $100 billion for the first time.
