Apple will unveil its next-gen iPad in less than 24 hours, but the company will reportedly launch the device on Friday, March 16. Whether the tablet is called the iPad 3 or the iPad HD, we won't officially know until tomorrow at 10 a.m. Pacific.
Baird upgraded OmniVision Technologies Inc
a notch to outperform on indications that the company's camera sensors will be used in the next version of Apple Inc's iPad tablet.
The smartphone market is becoming more like a battlefield day-by-day. The war between Apple and Samsung is set to climb to a whole new level especially after both the tech giants unveil their flagship devices later this year – iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3.
If you're itchin' to purchase an Apple TV today, good luck finding one. Ninety-eight percent of Apple's retail locations are sold out of the set-top box device, and it isn't available for immediate pickup when placing an order for it online, reports MacRumors. The dry spell could be an indication of the pending release of an updated version of the device. Several reports that surfaced last week suggested that Apple would unveil a new version of Apple TV alongside its new tablet devic...
Once the next-gen iPad is unveiled -- whether it's called the iPad 3 or iPad HD -- there will be no more mysteries, no more inaccurate reports, no more conjecture, and no more what ifs. But just like in October, this Apple event is bound to leave many fans high and dry, and wishing for more.
Apple will make a big announcement March 7 in San Francisco, and we're certain it will be a new iPad. Besides that, it's all rumors. Here's what we know so far. From a suspected iPad Mini (a seven-inch tablet) to a new display going from edge to edge on the screen, there's plenty of speculation about what iPad 3 will look like. In fact, the latest rumor is it will be iPad HD instead of iPad 3 or iPad 2S.
Most iPad enthusiasts are expecting the launch of the iPad 3 at Apple's major event on Wednesday, but Mashable's Chris Taylor claims if one rumor is true, it's that the tablet will be released as the 'iPad HD,' and not the iPad 3.
As Apple Inc, the world's most valuable listed company, braces itself for a report into alleged poor working conditions among its army of low-cost suppliers in China, it could heed the lessons from another big-brand retailer that faced similar issues two decades ago.
Apple has been very successful in the tablet market after the release of its first tablet, dubbed iPad, in 2010. The real truth behind the success is that there was no competition in the market at the time of launch of the original iPad. So, not surprisingly, iPad sold like hot cakes. With the launch of iPad 3, Apple is expected to continue to lead the tablet pack but the gap between the new iPad, which is expected to feature faster processor (dual-core or quad-core), high-resolution Retina Disp...
The March 7 special event is approaching and Apple is busy preparing for the launch of what the media expect to be iPad 3. The facade of Yerba Buena Center for the Arts has acquired a completely new look - the iconic logo of a white bitten apple rests within a splash of colors.
March 7 is round the corner and the rumors and speculations surrounding Apple's next tablet - iPad 3 (or should we say iPad HD or iPad 2S?) have reached the peak. What's more, anticipating the imminent launch of the tablet, photos of accessories of the new device, especially all kinds of cases, are circulating around the Internet.
Apple iPad 3 is expected to be released on March 7. How will Apple's latest device fare against the Android tablets like Asus EEE Pad transformer Prime, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, Motorola Xoom2, Amazon Kindle Fire and Sony S. Check out the features of the five top-notch Android tablets.
With the iPad 3 release date possibly occuring Wednesday, rumors are swirling and excitement building throughout the international technology community about the launch of Apple's new tablet.
The world's most valuable company has turned into a bit of a casino stock.
With the iPad 3 release date looming, fanatics are ready to camp outside Apple stores nationwide as part of an obsessive ritual that accompanies the release of every major product the company introduces.
The world is just days away from another Apple revolution with the release of the highly anticipated iPad 3 and its rumored features, specs and price $80 more expensive than the iPad 2. But maybe you don’t have that much cash to shell out for the next biggest Apple tablet. View the slideshow to see photos of some other tablet computer alternatives to consider as the world goes mad for the Apple iPad 3.
Research In Motion will be forced to slash the fees it charges carriers for BlackBerry service this year, an analyst said on Monday as another U.S. government customer edged away from the service, cutting into a pillar of the struggling smartphone company's business model.
Toshiba will launch the Excite 10 LE tablet on March 6 for $530, one day before the March 7 release of the new iPad 3. Here's how they stack up. Toshiba announced the Excite X10 tablet at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, and when the device appeared again at the Mobile World Congress, it was the Excite 10 LE. It's going to be one of the iPad's top competitors along with the Asus Transformer Pad Infinity.
The iPad 3 isn't the only Apple product creating a buzz. Hype about the iPhone 5 has also begun to surface, and some 4S owners may be out of luck in terms of upgrades from cellphone carriers. No official release date has been set yet for the next generation smartphone, but rumors have said that the iPhone will be seeing a summer or fall 2012 launch.
Although specifics of Apple’s (Nasdaq: AAPL) iPad 3 introduction will be announced Wednesday, it’s not too early for investors to devise a strategy to benefit.
Rumors about the iPad 3 display, battery life and network capabilities are all-but-confirmed, yet one of the biggest questions many are still wondering is, What's the price? Will Apple raise or lower the price from the iPad 2?
As the iPad 3 release date nears, Apple fanatics prepare to camp outside Apple stores nationwide as part of a perennial ritual that accompanies the release of every major product the company has introduced in recent years.