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Former French Oil Executive Extradited To Togo, Faces Fraud Charges

The former CEO of French oil corporation Elf Aquitaine, Loik Le Floch-Prigent, has been extradited from the Ivory Coast to Togo on charges relating to a $48 million fraud scheme. The funds in question were contained in a Togolese bank account belonging to the former military ruler of the Ivory Coast, Robert Guei, who was killed in 2002. Le Floch-Prigent had previously been convicted in France for embezzlement of hundres of millions of dollars in public funds during his time as head of Elf.
Valerie Trierweiler

Kate Middleton Topless Photos: First Lady Of France Shares Her Pain

The First Lady of France, Valerie Trierweiler, won damages against a French magazine that published photos of her wearing a bikini on a beach. Perhaps Kate Middleton -- who has suffered the indignity of having topless photos of herself printed in France -- could take some inspiration from this.

Anonymous Publishes Information On Government Employees In Retaliation For Barrett Brown Arrest

A hacker that claimed to be a part of the group Anonymous published a text file on the Internet Thursday in an apparent retaliation for the arrest of ex-Anonymous spokesman Barrett Brown. Talking Points Memo reports that the document (which you can find here) contains the authentic names, credit card data and other information about a random series of 13 government employees.


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