A worshipper found an envelope containing 507 checks at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, and now police are trying to determine whether or not they are real.
Efforts by Prince William and Kate Middleton's lawyers were made on Monday regarding topless photos taken of Middleton while she was on vacation when they asked a French court to stop further publication, Business Week reported.
The convicted child molester faces up to 373 years in prison.
Jeffrey K. Riffer, a lawyer for the Church of Scientology, wrote an eight-page letter to Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter hoping to stop an expose of the church from ever being published.
The former CEO of French oil corporation Elf Aquitaine, Loik Le Floch-Prigent, has been extradited from the Ivory Coast to Togo on charges relating to a $48 million fraud scheme. The funds in question were contained in a Togolese bank account belonging to the former military ruler of the Ivory Coast, Robert Guei, who was killed in 2002. Le Floch-Prigent had previously been convicted in France for embezzlement of hundres of millions of dollars in public funds during his time as head of Elf.
Usher sat down with Oprah at his home in Atlanta for the first candid interview since he filed for divorce in 2009 with his ex-wife Tameka Foster, and his revelations were shocking
On Monday following the scandal erupting throughout the world after topless photos of Kate Middleton were leaked and subsequently published in several magazines, police began a manhunt for the photographer of the images, Valarie Suau, along with Closer, the original publication.
There were quiet celebrations in the offices of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh late last week after he stunned the country with a slew of steps to revive the tanking economy.
An AIDS advocacy group wants Los Angeles County to make sure all actors in pornographic films wear condoms, but the porn purveyors are overwhelmingly against it. A California ballot initiative will decide who prevails.
The former prime minister of Italy, media billionaire and notorious womanizer owns hundreds of publications. It turns out that the French mag that disgusted Britain by doing what nobody had yet dared to do is also one of Berlusconi's many properties.
The First Lady of France, Valerie Trierweiler, won damages against a French magazine that published photos of her wearing a bikini on a beach. Perhaps Kate Middleton -- who has suffered the indignity of having topless photos of herself printed in France -- could take some inspiration from this.
A hacker that claimed to be a part of the group Anonymous published a text file on the Internet Thursday in an apparent retaliation for the arrest of ex-Anonymous spokesman Barrett Brown. Talking Points Memo reports that the document (which you can find here) contains the authentic names, credit card data and other information about a random series of 13 government employees.
The trailer for "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D" has been released, along with a detail and spoiler filled plot summary.
During the 2011 uprising against Colonel Gaddafi he became the chief liaison between the U.S. and the Transitional National Council (TNC), acting as a vital go-between for the rebels.
A California jury awarded Las Vegas casino mogul Steve Wynn $20 million in his slander case against "Girls Gone Wild" founder Joe Francis.
Eastman Kodak (Pink: EKDKQ) will win court approval to ax more people and sell units, a veteran bankruptcy lawyer said. But it won't get anything near full price for the units as well as for 1,100 patents that interest Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) and Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) because of the stain of bankruptcy.
Turkey's Prime Minister said on Tuesday that exiled Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi will not be extradited to Iraqi to face the death penalty.
The arrest of freelance cartoonist and free-speech activist Aseem Trivedi on charges that his cartoons were derogatory to the Indian constitution has sparked widespread furor in India.
Former Iraqi Vice-President Tareq al-Hashemi has been sentenced to death in absentia for the murders of two people, and is due to be sentenced for 150 other charges of violence between 2005 and 2011. Meanwhile, sectarian violence between Sunni and Shitte Muslims in Iraq may be growing.
Terry Williams, who has spent nearly his entire adult life in prison, allegedly experienced long-term sexual abuse at the hands of the man he murdered in 1986.
Activists have filed a formal complaint with the state’s chief justice and also introduced an online campaign to condemn the judge and remove him from the bench.
After displaying a knack for formidable roles in such films as "Little Miss Sunshine" and "There Will Be Blood," Paul Dano has proved to be one of the most promising young actors in Hollywood.