Scientists studying how mud moves from volcanoes on Mars learned that it behaves similar to boiling toothpaste. They believe their findings could affect how geographical studies are conducted on the Red Planet.
The European Space Agency (ESA) has shared a new image of Mars taken by its Mars Express orbiter. It shows a region of the Red Planet that was severely affected by its volcanic activity.
A team of researchers created a mini rover that’s capable of maneuvering across the sand traps of Mars and the Moon. It was developed based on a canceled rover project that NASA previously worked on.
A UFO expert claimed that NASA’s rover photographed the remains of an alien life form on Mars. According to the expert, the strange object resembles a small elephant.
The image was captured using a digital camera while the ISS was passing over South America.
A dead satellite that was launched by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) over two decades ago has solved the mystery behind Saturn’s hot atmosphere. Recently, a team of scientists released a new study using the data collected during the mission.
The announcement was made after the launch of a new unmanned spacecraft Tuesday.
A UFO expert claimed to have spotted the face of an alien on Mars in a photo taken by NASA. He also believes that the photo contains images of animal-like alien creatures.
NASA’s newest robotic rover will be equipped with the most advanced pair of “eyes” ever sent to Mars. Through the instrument, the Perseverance rover will be able to thoroughly explore the Red Planet.
A group of researchers was able to discover the new timeline of Mars’ ancient magnetic field. According to the researchers, the magnetic field on the Red Planet may have formed much earlier than previously thought.
A UFO expert claimed that NASA accidentally photographed a metal statue on Mars. According to the expert, the image proves that intelligent alien civilizations once lived on the Red Planet.
A team of engineers was able to develop tiny levitating aircraft that could be used to explore the surface of Mars
An astronomer explained how Mars could be turned into a second home planet for humans.
A UFO expert claimed to have spotted proof that intelligent alien creatures once lived on Mars. The expert made the bold statement after going through photos taken by NASA on the Red Planet.
NASA’s current mission on Mars shared a stunning photo of a dragon-like image on the surface of the Red Planet. According to scientists working with the agency, the bizarre image was created by various geological processes on Mars.
A UFO expert claimed that NASA robotic spacecraft might have accidentally photographed an alien ship docked in a crater on Mars. Aside from the alleged ship, the expert said he spotted the entrance to an underground base in NASA photo.
NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) explained how they would return the samples that will be collected on Mars to Earth.
Members of the team behind Curiosity revealed how they are able to drive NASA’s rover around Mars even though they are currently working from home.
Scientists in France are taking advantage of the lockdown imposed on the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic to simulate Mars mission conditions. The simulations can help agencies prepare their astronauts for a future crewed expedition to the Red Planet.
NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has recently detected an asteroid that’s currently approaching Earth.
A UFO expert claimed to have spotted an alleged ancient alien artifact in a photo taken by NASA on Mars. According to the expert, the strange object proves the existence of intelligent life on the Red Planet.
An eyewitness from Tucson, Arizona, was able to spot and photograph a fireball event over the city. However, his photo of the meteor streaking across the sky was photobombed by a train of Starlink satellites from SpaceX.