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Ground Zero

9/11 Health Toll Still Hazy After 11 Years

Between 40,000 and 90,000 emergency workers and volunteers spent time sifting through the remains at Ground Zero, and were exposed to toxic materials that have been blamed for a range of respiratory illnesses and other ailments.
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More Signs MRI Is Safe For People With Pacemakers

Manufacturers currently warn against putting pacemakers into MRI scanners, whose strong magnetic field might in principle cause the metal wires from the devices to heat up and burn the heart tissue.
seniors living

Less Chronic Disease In Store For Fit 50-Year-Olds

The findings don't prove that exercising more cuts the risk of chronic disease, because it could be that people with a lot of physical activity also eat healthier foods - something the researchers didn't take into account.
Liverpool's Andy Carroll is mobbed by his teammates after scoring the winning goal against Blackburn.

Do Athletes Make Better Doctors?

Researchers from one head and neck specialty program found that a resident having excelled in team sports was a more accurate predictor of success in the program than any of those other factors.
Ivanka Trump grants 16-year-old aspiring designer's wish

Ivanka Trump Makes Dream Come True For Aspiring Jewelry-Making Teen

After being diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Linda Cifuentes, 16, felt restless sitting day after day in her hospital room. Her mother, who adopted her two years prior, thought she would get her creative juices flowing by bringing her colorful beads to make jewelry with -- and thus a dream was born!
Health Care Reform Likely To Hit Low-Paid and Part-Time Workers Hardest

Health Care Reform To Hit Low-Paid, Part-Time Workers Hardest - Study

Employers in the restaurant and retail industries -- those with a large number of hourly wage workers who traditionally had minimal or no health insurance -- are more likely than other companies to drop their health plans or cut worker's hours in order to maintain their already slim profit margins.
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Massachusetts Takes Fresh Steps Against Dangerous Mosquitoes

State officials said a mild winter in the Northeast United States contributed to higher mosquito populations this summer in Massachusetts and potentially neighboring states, and is also why mosquitoes carrying EEE were found earlier than normal.


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