Decision Time for Researchers of Deadly Bird Flu

A thermal scanner shows the heat signature of passengers from an international flight arriving at Incheon airport, west of Seoul, April 28, 2009.
When 22 bird flu experts meet at the World Health Organization this week, they will be tasked with deciding just how far scientists should go in creating lethal mutant viruses in the name of research.
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Doctors may suggest a screening test to make sure cardiovascular health is in top shape. But if a person lacks symptoms -- like chest pain or shortness of breath -- they might want to look closer at the costs and benefits.

American Heart Month: 5 Tests You Might Not Need

February is American Heart Month and consumers will be bombarded with advice to keep their ticker healthy -- whether it's from the American Heart Association's Go Red For Women or the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's The Heart Truth.
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Yuvraj Singh Loses Hair as Side Effect of Chemotherapy (PHOTO)

Yujraj Sigh has posted on his twitter page a bald photo of himself. This proves the player's will to get back his life 'and of course everyday I look forward to come back and wear my india jersey my india cap and represent my country again jai hind' as he tweeted earlier.
Yuvraj Singh

Is Yuvraj Singh's Doctor Fake?

Jatin Chaudhry, Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh's physiotherapist, has been in news ever since he announced that the celebrated batsman was suffering from cancer.
The White House said it will spend and extra $50 million this year, and it will seek an extra $80 million in fiscal 2013 to bolster Alzheimer's research. Obama also plans to spend an additional $26 million in programs to support people who care for A

Obama Boosts Funds for Alzheimer's Disease Research

The Obama administration plans to spend an additional $156 million over the next two years to help find an effective treatment for Alzheimer's, a fatal brain-wasting disease that affects more than 5 million Americans.
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Gisele Bundchen: 100% Fake

Bundchen’s looks are not as Mother Nature intended. She was essentially created in a laboratory like Frankenstein’s monster.
Breast cancer

Komen Continues Funding, but Breast Cancer Screening Falls Short

Although the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation announced that they would continue to fund Planned Parenthood centers, there might be a different problem at hand. The Planned Parenthood resources make screening and tests more readily available, but the number of Americans being screened is below the national target, according to a new federal study.
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National Wear Red Day 2012

The American Heart Association is celebrating National Wear Red Day on Feb. 3 as a way to raise awareness of the health complications that heart disease can bring women.
Planned Parenthood Vs. Komen

Komen Struggles to Defuse Planned Parenthood Crisis

The world's leading breast cancer charity, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, struggled on Thursday to defuse a growing crisis over its decision to cut funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides abortion and birth control services.
Planned Parenthood Vs. Komen

Planned Parenthood Vs. Komen: Bloomberg Pledges $250,000 to Balance Funding Cuts

Billionaire New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has pledged to give $250,000 to Planned Parenthood to offset the Susan G. Komen Foundation's decision to cut funds to the health center for breast cancer screenings, a decision that some say was based on a rule put in place for the express purpose of catering to pro-life opposition to the sexual and reproductive health organization.


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