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Bird Flu Returns with Deadlier Strain, Warns UN

The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has issued a warning, looking at the situation that it a mutant strain of deadly flu is already spreading in China and Vietnam, according to CBS News report. Fears of an outbreak of bird flu this winter have been raised by the United Nations. Bird flu was in decline, but FAO warns it appears to be on the rise again and the new bird flu strain is even deadlier.

HIV-Positive Actor Halts LA Porn Filming: Industry Suffers Multi-Billion-Dollar Loss

The porn industry in Los Angeles, CA. came to a screeching halt Saturday, after an adult entertainer tested positive for HIV. LA officials ordered an immediate shutdown of the multi-billion-dollar adult entertainment industry by Monday, forcing a number porn sets across the San Fernando Valley to close losing a substantial amount of revenue.

HIV-positive Performer Shuts Down LA Porn Industry, Identity Unclear

An adult actor who contracted HIV through unprotected sex shut down Los Angeles' adult film industry Monday night. An involuntary sexual health database was established less than a month ago in order to curtail the spread of sexually transmitted disease within the notoriously promiscuous community.
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Roosters play with a rubber ball in Shenyang

Bird Flu Mutation Spurs Fears of Epidemic

A rise in the number of reported cases of avian flu, coupled with the appearance of a mutation that could be resistant to vaccines, has led the United Nations to warn of a potential bird flu resurgence.
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Vitamin A Supplement Reduces Mortality in Kids

The details about the trials and analysis published in a British Medical Journal, states that Vitamin-A supplement in children aged under five signified 24 per cent reduction in all cause mortality and 28 per cent reduction in mortality associated with diarrhea.
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FDA Approves Xalkori, a Pfizer Lung Cancer Drug

Xalkori is a Pfizer drug, and it works by targeting specific genes found certain patients. This gene is called the abnormal anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene and is present in about 1 to 7 percent of non-small cell lung cancer patients.
ina battling the bulge

Fat camp shows China battling the bulge

On the grounds of the Bodyworks weight loss campus in Beijing, 30 tubby men and women sweat profusely, gasping for air as they pound the treadmills in an exercise room.
A Chinese doctor prepares a vaccination injection against meningitis at a disease prevention station..

Autism Not Caused By MMR Vaccine, Or Any Others: Report

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which helped guide the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that funds children who experience side effects from vaccines, has commissioned a report after 17 years that found no link with autism and Type 1 diabetes after taking certain vaccines.
Flu vaccine

Childhood Vaccines Are Safe, a New Study Affirms

There is a growing group of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children, believing that vaccines increase the risk of autism, diabetes, asthma and other ailments. But a new report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies concludes that adverse effects are extremely rare.
