Botox to Treat Bladder Control Loss

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Allergan's Botox injection for treating patients who have bladder control problems arising from spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis (MS).
Apple's Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs' Health: The Recent History

Steve Jobs co-founder of Apple (AAPL), a visionary, and the driving force behind one of the United States' premiere and most trail-blazing companies in the modern/postmodern era, has had several medical leaves.
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An employee rides her bike past a logo next to the main entrance of the Google building in Zurich

Google Pays DOJ $500 Million for AdWords Ordeal

Google has paid the DOJ $500 million for allowing Canadian pharmacies to place advertisements on its Adwords program, thus helping them get revenue from the illegal transfer of drugs to the U.S.
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Doctor Sued By Penis Amputee After Surgery, Trial Ends

A lawyer representing the Kentucky man who testified against Dr. John Patterson in the Shelby County Circuit Court, the doctor who amputated Seaton's penis without asking his permission, told jurors on Monday his client doesn't feel like a man.
Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse Had No Illegal Substances In Her System

Amy Winehouse toxicology results turned out to be inconclusive, and no illegal drugs were found in her system. The 27-year-old singer was found dead on July 23 in her London home. The toxicology tests were carried out to determine the cause of death, as initial autopsy results also came out inconclusive.
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Bone drug tied to lower colon cancer risk

A new study adds to evidence that bone drugs may play a role in suppressing cancer development, although there is still no proof that taking the medications would stave off malignancies.
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Children's Diet Book Targeting Kids 6 to 12 Years Draws Criticism

When Maggie looks into the mirror she sees a thin girl holding up a small pink dress. But in reality, Maggie is a chubby young girl who is trouble by her weight. That's a description of what is seen on the cover of an upcoming children's book titled Maggie Goes On A Diet, written by Paul Michael Kramer. The book is set to come out on Oct. 16, but has been getting much criticism from parents, pediatricians and nutritionists.
A new study has revealed that people who do not have their other half could have serious health issues and might die much earlier.

Single People Likely to Die Much Earlier Than Their Married Peers

For some people, living a single life is full of fun and freedom, but it has some serious side effects that one can't afford to ignore. A new study has revealed that people who do not have their other half could have serious health issues and might die much earlier.
Tanning Bed

FDA Approves 'Revolutionary' Melanoma Treatment

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Wednesday approved the Roche-manufactured drug Zelboraf, for the first-line treatment of both metastatic and unresectable types of melanoma, reportedly the most dangerous type of skin cancer.
