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Super bug in petri dish

Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea: Factsheet

A new strain of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea was found to be resistant to antibiotics, international researchers say. According to the CDC, more than 700,000 persons in the U.S. get new gonorrheal infections each year and less than half of these infections are reported to CDC.
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UCLA Health Systems to Pay Up For Alleged HIPPA Violation

The UCLA Health System will pay $865,500 as part of a settlement agreement because its employees snooped into celebrity patients' medical records resulting in a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPPA violation .
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Megan Fox Puts Her 'Faces' on Facebook Denying Botox Use (PHOTOS)

The Transformer Actress ‘ Megan Fox denied the report that she had any botox treatment and in order to prove her statement she posted four pictures of her close facial, showing a range of facial expressions from a rumpled forehead to eyebrow furrowing to looks of scorn and shock , in her micro-blogging site .
At Issue: Circumcision

Circumcision Debate In San Francisco: Jews Call Circumcision Ban Anti-Semitic

Circumcision will be banned in San Francisco if a November ballot initiative passes, prompting many to charge that the initiative is anti-Semitic. Jewish people are furious, saying that circumcision, the removal of foreskin eight days after a male baby is born, is part of their religion and that this is yet another example of Anti-Semitism akin to Mel Gibson's consistent hostility towards Jews.
Planned Parenthood Vs. Komen

Wichita Abortion Doctor Fights for Rights Despite Death Threats

Wichita, Kansas native Dr. Mila Means, a physician trying to open an abortion clinic in Wichita, received a letter kindly advising her to check under her car every morning recently. The letter went on to say, because maybe today is the day someone places an explosive under it.
U.S. Government Says No to Marijuana Reclassification

Medical Marijuana Has No Use, Leads to Addiction: US Government

The federal government said Friday that marijuana has no accepted medical use and should be considered armed and dangerous like heroin. Marijuana use was recently approved my many states including California to treat medical conditions including chronic pain.
