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Burger King

Fast Food Sells Healthy Options, But Should We Buy it?

Burger King, IHOP, Chili's, and some 15,000 other restaurants have joined forces to offer more nutritional options on its menus. The measure is in part directed at fighting childhood obesity by offering more healthy options on menus, but the main question is will it make a difference?
Man sits and smokes

Cancer Deaths Found in More Men Than Women

Men are more likely than women to be diagnosed and die of cancer, according to government research and analysis of 36 different types of tumors and blood cancers that affect both sexes.
Super Gonorrhoea Found in Japan

'Superbug' Strain of Gonorrhea: Fact sheet

A new strain of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea was found to be resistant to antibiotics, international researchers say. According to the CDC, more than 700,000 persons in the U.S. get new gonorrheal infections each year and less than half of these infections are reported to CDC.
Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods: Was Golf's Biggest Star Juicing?

Tiger Woods was a one-time client of a Canadian physician charged with injecting elite athletes with performance-enhancing drugs. The attorney for a key witness in the case of Dr. Anthony Galea says Woods did not receive performance enhancing drugs from the doctor. But one can't help but wonder.
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Gonorrhea Superbug: U.S. Safe -- For Now

Health officials say gonorrhea is showing resistance to the antibiotics used to treat it, causing concerns over a gonorrhea superbug outbreak. The resistant gonorrhea strain has not be found in the United states, but CDC officials say there are signs it could happen.
