Vit D linked to cancer, autoimmune disease genes

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Scientists have found that vitamin D influences more than 200 genes, including ones related to cancer and autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis -- a discovery that shows how serious vitamin D deficiency can be.
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FDA tells J&J unit to halt hip device sales

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is ordering Johnson & Johnson's DePuy Orthopedics unit to halt sales of its Corail Hip System because the company is marketing it for an unapproved use, according to a warning letter made public on Tuesday.
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Cancer-promoting protein found

Australian researchers have discovered a new protein called OTUB1 that is responsible for blocking DNA repair in cell and help spread a broad range of cancers.
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U.S. tries to fix slow response to outbreaks

The U.S. government proposed major changes on Thursday to the way it works with companies to fight new disease threats such as flu, including reform at the Food and Drug Administration and setting up centers to make vaccines quickly.
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Developing nations to bear cancer brunt

Developing countries will bear 60 percent of the world's cancer burden by 2020 and 70 percent by 2030, but are not prepared for the looming crisis, cancer experts warned in a report on Thursday
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More mental disorders treated with drugs only

More Americans with psychiatric conditions are being treated with drugs alone compared with a decade ago, while talk therapy -- either by itself or in combination with medication -- is on the decline, a new study finds.
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Breathing device helps reduce weight

A breathing instrument for treating asthma that had suppressed appetite and reduced weight of patients is now being marketed as a weight-loss device.
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ADHD induced by pesticides widely used in Australian agriculture

A study tracking the development of more than 300 Mexican American children living in the farming region of Salinas Valley has provided another disturbing proof linking exposure to a pesticide - widely used in Australian agriculture - to rising cases of child Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
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Eat healthy-kits for Australian children

n an effort to improve the diet of Australian kids, Avocado growers have just launched eat-healthy kits funded by the government for early childhood educators to encourage and promote healthier eating habits among 3 to 5 years old.


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