Australian researchers have discovered a new protein called OTUB1 that is responsible for blocking DNA repair in cell and help spread a broad range of cancers.
A first of its kind research to find the best treatment approach for anorexia nervosa is to be conducted by Australian scientists.
A drug which has yet to be named developed in Adelaide for the purpose to halt swelling of the brain after major trauma may promise hope to treating spinal injuries in the future.
The U.S. government proposed major changes on Thursday to the way it works with companies to fight new disease threats such as flu, including reform at the Food and Drug Administration and setting up centers to make vaccines quickly.
Developing countries will bear 60 percent of the world's cancer burden by 2020 and 70 percent by 2030, but are not prepared for the looming crisis, cancer experts warned in a report on Thursday
More Americans with psychiatric conditions are being treated with drugs alone compared with a decade ago, while talk therapy -- either by itself or in combination with medication -- is on the decline, a new study finds.
Hormone therapy with either estrogen or testosterone might not affect women's thinking and memory skills in the years soon after menopause, hints a new study.
Researchers led by a University of Florida psychologist have found in a study that acetaminophen, an ingredient of painkillers, can relieve not only physical pain but hurt feelings.
As many as hundreds of WA patients who had received treatments from a number of regional hospitals in Northwest of WA breathe a sigh of relief as they have been cleared of any serious infections including HIV and hepatitis following the breach of infection control measures by an anaesthetist.
A breathing instrument for treating asthma that had suppressed appetite and reduced weight of patients is now being marketed as a weight-loss device.
A study tracking the development of more than 300 Mexican American children living in the farming region of Salinas Valley has provided another disturbing proof linking exposure to a pesticide - widely used in Australian agriculture - to rising cases of child Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
An international team of scientists is close to developing a prototype of a lung scanner that will not expose newborns to radiation and eliminate the need to transfer critically ill infants to a hospital for scanning.
A U.S. study has found that women who drink five or more non-light beers a week have higher risk of acquiring psoriasis, a disfiguring skin disease.
You've been told for decades that saturated fat will kill you. Even medical and health professionals have believed this was a fact
American researchers have found that Vitamin D may treat or prevent allergy to a common mold that complicates asthma and cystic fibrosis.
Researchers at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) in Melbourne have discovered that macrophages or white blood cells inflame fat tissues in obese people and trigger their resistance to insulin, which leads to diabetes and heart disease.
n an effort to improve the diet of Australian kids, Avocado growers have just launched eat-healthy kits funded by the government for early childhood educators to encourage and promote healthier eating habits among 3 to 5 years old.
U.S. researchers have found that real and fake acupuncture can relieve knee arthritis pain.
Cardiac surgeons at St Vincent's Hospital, where Australia's first heart transplant operation was done in 1968, continue to urge the state government to fund its costly heart-lung transplant program.
A report by the Institute of Health and Welfare reveals there has been a spike of 70 per cent in the number of Australians being admitted to the hospital for kidney dialysis.
European and U.S. health authorities have banned a flu vaccine for children made by Australian biopharmaceutical CSL Biotherapies Australia.
Your odds of going under the knife may depend on whether or not your orthopedic surgeon has a financial stake in your treatment center, suggests a new study.