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Forgetfulness is not necessarily due to old age

If you are to go by the latest research you have no cause to blame your age for being forgetful. According to a study published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, old age is not the reason for becoming forgetful, instead it is the brain lesions as seen in Dementia which cause instances of memory loss in older people.
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Britain pushes for prostate cancer screening

British doctors urge men above age 60 to enroll themselves for a national screening program for prostate cancer. The $15 prostate specific antigen test would rule out the risk in half of the male population and allow doctors to concentrate their scarce resources on those most susceptible to developing and dying from the condition, The Daily Telegraph reported.
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Asian women can live longer with non-smoking husband: study

For the first time in the world, a study has examined how good habits have a multiplying effect on mortality in Asian women. The study results are that smoking husbands are shortening their wives' lives. Other results of the study include that Chinese women with plenty of healthy habits tend to live longer than their friends with less healthy lifestyles.
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Poultry, beef, leafy vegetables lead to maximum food poisoning

Amongst the food-borne diseases, poultry has been found to be the leading cause in the U.S. This is followed by green leafy vegetables and beef, which cause severe food poisoning and other stomach ailments, says a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Progeria can provide clues to risks of aging

Progeria is a rare genetic disorder - only 65 cases in the world - where a child's aging process is accelerated and he or she dies of aging related disease like stroke and heart attack. Life expectancy is about 13 years.
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Has Roche got the right medicine?

Last summer, the leaders of some of the world's top drugmakers buttonholed Roche Chief Executive Severin Schwan and tried, unsuccessfully, to get him to change his mind.
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Memory problems not a normal sign of aging: study

Mild memory problems in older people are often excused as senior moments, but a new study has found the same changes in the brain that cause severe dementia may also be responsible for those memory lapses.
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Swine flu can become drug-resistant quickly: study

A swine flu virus infecting a woman in Singapore mutated into a drug-resistant form virtually overnight, doctors reported in a study that they say shows the limitations of using drugs to treat influenza.
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High radiation raises risk of second cancer: study

Atomic bomb blast victims lucky enough to survive one cancer have a high risk of developing a second, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday, in a study that offers new insights about cancer risks from radiation exposure.
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Surgeons fail to disclose big payments to journals

Nearly half of surgeons who earned more than $1 million from companies that make orthopedic devices did not disclose it when they published medical journal articles, U.S. researchers said on Monday.


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