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Increase in gonorrhoea cases in Newcastle

There is an alarming rise of gonorrhoea cases in the NSW port city of Newcastle, health authorities warned. More than 40 people have just been recently diagnosed with the sexually transmitted infection (STI) this year, which is more than four times the rate during the same period in 2009.

10 health risk must-know for Australian women

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The number one killer of women in Australia is not the most fatal cancer, though lung cancer gets the dubious honour. According to Dr Jane Smith, associate professor and representative of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, heart disease, which is the number one health risk, is something most of us can avoid with simple lifestyle changes.
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Australians still undermine asbestos exposure risks

According to the poll of NSW based renovators, 60 per cent admit to exposing themselves to the deadly material and they appear to be flippant about the associated risks. The poll also found frightening levels of exposure to building materials now linked to fatal lung disease.
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Australian prisons to be supplied sterile needles

According to the Association for Prevention and Harm Reduction Programs Australia (Anex), bans on prisoners possessing drugs and syringes have failed to stop their routine use behind the prison walls.
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The Mystery Of Melancholia

Gordon Parker, with other team of psychiatrists, will go on a study to discover what the mental disorder Melancholia really is.
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Bowlers prone to getting back fractures

About up to 10 times of the bowler's body weight is sent up through his spine, each time a fast bowler slams his front foot on the turf and slings a speeding cricket ball.
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Liver transplant patient Claire Murray gets healthy liver

Claire Murray, a 25-year-old former heroin addict has undergone a successful live-liver transplant operation that lasted more than six hours in a Singapore hospital. Sources cited that bother Claire and her aunty, Carolyn, the donor, are recovering well.
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Breast cancer study aims to speed drugs, cooperation

(Reuters) - Researchers launched a unique collaboration aimed at getting cancer drugs to the market more quickly on Wednesday -- one in which three companies will cooperate with government and non-profit groups to test five experimental breast cancer drugs.
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Higher risk in children exposed to CT scan

The risk of a single scan inducing a fatal cancer in children is 70 times greater than the risk of dying from a general anesthetic, warned a radiology expert, urging physicians to request a formal written consent from parents, before ordering their children's CT scan.
