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Small, dark Easter eggs may be good for your heart

(Reuters) - Easter eggs may be good for you, but only if you eat small ones made from cocoa-rich dark chocolate, according to the latest in a string of scientific studies to show potential health benefits of chocolate.
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Fast machines, genes and the future of medicine

WASHINGTON/CHICAGO/LONDON (Reuters ) - Francis Collins, who helped map the human genome, did not get around to having his own genes analyzed until last summer. And he was surprised by what he learned.
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A call for a total ban of trans-fat in Australia

An Australian panel called Review of Food Labeling and Policy is considering a recommendation of a required labeling of trans-fat in Australian foods or going a step further with a total ban for the country.
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Cannabis use among Australians worrying

The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre has found the number of Australians seeking treatment for cannabis-related problems has increased 30 per cent since 2002, with the increase in the rate of harmful use mostly among people over 30
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Cost burden of chronic illness in Asia growing

(Reuters) - Chronic illnesses like heart disease, cancer and depression affect Asians as much as those in Western countries and governments must draft plans to cope with long-term costs, health experts said on Monday.
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Pregnancy benefits breast cancer survivors

According to research presented at the European Breast Cancer conference held in Barcelona, Spain from March 24 to 27, women who become pregnant after surviving breast cancer may actually improve their survival odds, but women with a postpartum diagnosis of breast cancer have increased mortality in comparison to other women diagnosed with the disease.
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When will migraine strike? Most don't know

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Most migraine sufferers have no idea when their next headache will strike, according to a survey of 900 people with the painful headaches.


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