Virus blamed for half of penile cancers

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A sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer is also to blame for half of all cases of cancer of the penis, Spanish researchers said on Tuesday.

Helene Gayle to advise Obama on AIDS

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AIDS expert Dr. Helene Gayle, president and chief executive of the charity CARE USA, has been named to chair the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, the U.S. government said on Monday.
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High testosterone boosts women traders

Higher testosterone levels might explain why some women seek out risky financial trading jobs while others stick to more stable business careers, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.
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Heart group draws hard line on sugar intake

Americans need to cut back dramatically on sugar consumption, the American Heart Association said on Monday in a recommendation that is likely to rile food and beverage companies.
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Asia way short of vaccine to fight swine flu: WHO

Asia is going to be way short of the new H1N1 vaccine to fight swine flu when the next surge of infections hits during the cold season this year, a spokesman for the World Health Organization said on Tuesday.
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U.S. heart group draws hard line on sugar intake

* Women should limit extra sugar calories to 100 per day * Men should eat no more than 150 extra sugar calories * Soft drinks No. 1 source of added sugar in U.S. dietAmericans need to cut back dramatically on sugar consumption, the American Heart Association said on Monday in a recommendation that is likely to rile food and beverage companies.
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Judge rules against

A judge on Friday ruled that an advocacy group for child actors can seek to have a guardian appointed to oversee the financial interests for the octuplets of Nadya Suleman, dubbed
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Universal free flu shots curb antibiotic use

When the Canadian province of Ontario began offering free flu vaccinations to its entire population in 2000, the result was a dramatic decrease in influenza-associated antibiotic prescriptions.
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Scientists make

A genetically modified bacterium that turns into a drug-delivery vehicle in the presence of a type of sugar may offer a new way to treat bowel disease, British scientists said on Friday.
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Flu fighters battle pandemic online

The world is gripped by a flu pandemic and it's up to you to stop it -- that is, if you choose to play a new game developed by a Dutch medical center and available online for free.


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