Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of healing from China. While TCM is regarded as an alternative medicine system in the West,
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history of over 4,000 years. For centuries, millions of people in China have relied on TCM for their health and treatments.
There have been many miraculous cases of people who have healed themselves by clinging to religion or positively thinking themselves out of a life-threatening ailment.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture continue to gain popularity among the American public for the treatment of diseases where mainstream medical therapies have had little success.
While we in the West are more familiar with the way doctors practice traditional medicine for healing, the ancient Eastern practice of medicine known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM), has recently become popular in the West as an alternative to traditional medicine.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency is associated with neurologic, psychiatric, hematologic, and possibly cardiovascular aberrations.
Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin which serves as an antioxidant, and also plays a role in immune function and metabolism.
Running is most likely the oldest form of exercise. Sprinting from prehistoric animals was surely the impetus for this still popular form of physical activity.
Okay, so here's a news flash again: exercise can be the key to eliminating many of the maladies plaguing your otherwise potentially healthy self.
Why aren't you exercising? If you fit into the category of sedentary individuals, you no doubt have a plethora of excuses for not exercising while increasing your risk for many health related maladies associated with this type of lifestyle.
China faces a grim situation in containing the H1N1 strain of flu, as schools start up again and the number of domestic cases, as well as clusters of cases, rises, China's Minister of Health said on Tuesday.
Fear of H1N1 flu will stop devout Neapolitans from performing the time-honored ritual of kissing the blood of their patron Saint Gennaro when the city's annual festival begins later this month.
A virus known to cause leukemia and tumors in animals can be found in some prostate tumors and might be one cause of prostate cancer, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.
Ethiopia is sending text messages to mobile phone users offering free HIV/AIDS tests ahead of New Year celebrations, in a drive to have more people checked in sub-Saharan Africa's second most populous nation.
Contrary to what some previous studies have suggested, children who enter daycare at an early age may not have a reduced risk of allergies and asthma later on, researchers reported Tuesday.
A complete ban on alcohol advertising should be imposed and a minimum drinks price set to help deter excessive drinking in Britain, medics said on Tuesday.
Smithfield Foods Inc reported on Tuesday a larger-than-expected first-quarter loss due to low hog prices and a drop in pork sales because of the H1N1 flu and the recession.
Opexa Therapeutics Inc said on Tuesday further analysis of clinical data shows that more than 83 percent of patients taking its experimental multiple sclerosis drug remained relapse-free after a year, more than doubling the value of the company's shares.
Smithfield Foods Inc reported on Tuesday a larger-than-expected first-quarter loss due to low hog prices and a drop in pork sales because of the H1N1 flu and the recession.
Smithfield Foods Inc reported a much larger quarterly loss on Tuesday, due to low hog prices, H1N1 flu and soft export demand for pork.
Mrs Naran speaks many languages, but when the doctor tells her she has diabetes, she can barely believe him. A combination of careful diet, exercise, herbal medicine and her husband's support enable her to live a full and healthy life.
Ian's stories cover topics including concordance with treatment, working as a team, and developing systems that benefit patients.