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Strauss-Kahn accuser did not know who he was

The woman who has accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of attempted rape did not know about his position as a top-ranked French politician or as managing director of the International Monetary Fund, her lawyer said on Tuesday.

Warriors’ 0.8% chance in the Draft Lottery

The Golden State Warriors have a slim 0.8% chance of winning the 2011 NBA Draft Lottery tonight in New Jersey. If Warriors owner and lottery representative Joe Lacob is counting, that's better odds than he will get in the California Lottery.

Strauss-Kahn Alibi Revealed, Defense Team Prepares: Report

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund and a leading contender for the French Presidency in 2012, has an alibi as his defense team prepares on Monday to show evidence that he did not sexually attack a hotel worker in New York on Saturday.

50 things showing the demise of the US economy

Over the past several decades, some very alarming long-term economic trends have developed that are absolutely destroying the economy. Here are 50 hard facts and statistics that show the negative trends in several areas of the economy. If dramatic changes are not made soon, a complete and total economic collapse becomes a possibility

Strauss-Kahn Charged in Hotel Sex Attack: 'Not Guilty' Plea Expected

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a leading contender for the French presidency in 2012 and the head of the International Monetary Fund, will plead not guilty at Sunday afternoon arraignment after multiple charges were filed against him after allegations that he sexually attacked a hotel worker Saturday afternoon in New York.

IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrested, questioned over sex assault

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a possible French presidential candidate, was hauled off the Air France flight about 10 minutes before it was to take off at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Saturday afternoon and turned over to police for questioning in connection with an alleged sexual assault.

IMF's Strauss-Kahn Arrested, Accused of Sex Attack

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, was arrested in New York City on Saturday, accused of a brutal sexual attack on a hotel employee in Manhattan, according to reports citing police sources.

Game Changer Still Alive

Global equity markets, commodities and currencies continue to move lower on the heels of concerns about Greece
House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-MD.

US aid to Pakistan should be suspended: lawmakers

At least one lawmaker has suggested that US aid to Pakistan – amounting to billions of dollars since September 11, 2001 – should be suspended until Pakistan explains why Osama bin Laden was found in a mansion located just 30 miles outside the nation’s capital.


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