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Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Colorado UFO mystery unlocked [VIDEO]

The mystery behind the recent UFO sighting over Colorado seems to have been unlocked with an explanation emerging of the strange encounter's very terrestrial origin.
Playstation Network (PSN)

Geohot's Legal Team Fires back At Sony

The hacker being sued for altering the firmware that runs the PlayStation 3 has fired back at Sony Computer Entertainment America's attempt to get the case heard in California.
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Hispanic population to reach 50 million

The Latino population of the United States will break 50 million for the first time, according to analysts. The official US Census Bureau demographics data will be released later today.
Sony PS3

UPDATE: PS3 Hacker Did Not Flee To South America

The legal battle between Sony Computer Entertainment America and a hacker who published a jailbreak has taken a new turn in the wake of accusations that he deliberately withheld evidence from Sony
A foreign exchange dealer works at a trading room of a foreign exchange trading company in Tokyo

A Sense of Calm is Returning to the Markets: Omnivest

There is a clear sense of calm returning to the financial markets after the horrific earthquake in Japan and the leveling of the playing field in Libya. Though the damage associated with Japan’s earthquake is clearly immense, its economic impact will mostly be localized.


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