Sandy Debris

Senate Approves $50.5B Superstorm Sandy Relief Bill

On Monday, the United States Senate approved a $50.5 billion Superstorm Sandy relief bill. The aid package has been debated for several months and passed the senate by a 62-36 vote; the senators who opposed the bill were all Republicans
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J.R. Smith

JR Smith Disses Kris Humphries In Kanye West Twitter Jab

Knicks star J.R. Smith responded to a gloating tweet by Nets player Kris Humphries after New Jersey beat New York Monday night at Madison Square Garden with a controversial tweet aimed at Humphries' wife, Kim Kardashian, who is pursuing a divorce from the player as she is pregnant a child from her current boyfriend, superstar rapper Kanye West.
Redskins Name Change

Is A Redskins Name Change In Order? Washington Mayor Wants To 'Do The Right Thing'

A Redskins name change has long been a topic of discussion among football fans and others who find the name offensive to Native Americans. And the issue is getting a new round of attention, as Washington, D.C., Mayor Vincent C. Gray said Wednesday that in order for the team to return to the nation's capital, there would need to be a "discussion" about changing the moniker to one that does not have the negative racial associations that come with the "Redskins" moniker.


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