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Christie opts out of 2012 presidential race

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie dashed hopes on Tuesday that he might make a late leap into the 2012 Republican presidential race in a move that sets up a battle between Mitt Romney and Rick Perry.
Chris Christie

Obesity Debate Rages on Talk of Christie White House Bid

Speculation that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will enter the U.S. presidential race has led to a feverish debate about the possibility of having the fattest man in the White House since the corpulent William Howard Taft squeezed behind the big desk in the Oval Office.
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10 Best Math and Science High Schools in America

America has on its priority list to build its students' skills in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math, also known as STEM. But which schools are actually mastering teaching in these areas? The U.S. News & World Report for the first time released a list ranking math- and science-specific high schools.


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