Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has denied that his company plans to build its own smartphone, calling it "the wrong strategy."
Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, House Judiciary Committee chair, introduced the Innovation Act of 2013, a patent troll-killing bill that has a chance of passing.
Merck's latest layoffs are coming from both marketing and research and development.
Apple was granted 36 new patents by the U.S. Patent and Trademark office on Tuesday.
Eli Lilly wants to protect a patent on the vitamin regimen used to administer its lucrative lung cancer drug, Alimta.
The so-called patent troll has sued dozens of companies since 2008 and sent notice letters to at least 121 others.
Samsung Announces ‘Galaxy Note 3’ Conference set for next month, despite losing ground to Apple .
In a bid to clear misconceptions over foreign drugmakers' patent setbacks, the Indian government says Roche is to blame for its patent rejection.
India revoked a patent on the breast cancer drug Tykerb, claiming it wasn't innovative enough to warrant protections.
Apple is appealing a judge's decision not to ban sales of infringing Samsung phones and tablets.
A patent for Google Glass could notify distracted and hard-of-hearing users to nearby sounds.
A new patent exchange trading rights to intellectual property sees its first major activity, in a $35 million offer of a Philips’ portfolio.
Apple has been found guilty of violating Samsung's patents on older model iPhones and iPads, but promises to fight back.
The White House has called for "sweeping reforms" directed at patent trolls, which have been accused of stifling American innovation.
Kim Dotcom claims to have invented two-step verification, and has a patent to back it up. Will he sue Facebook, Twitter and Google?
Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde announced his candidacy for European Pariliament as a member of Finnish Pirate Party.
The recent Indian Supreme Court verdict against Swiss pharma major Novartis seems to have underscored the need for tailor–made business models in emerging economies.
The Supreme Court of India, Monday, rejected the Swiss pharma major Novartis AG’s plea for patent rights of its cancer drug Glivec.
The agreement settles DuPont's long-running patent dispute over Monsanto's line of genetically modified seed products.
India's patent office has rejected Bayer AG's challenge to letting an Indian company produce a generic of its cancer drug Nexavar.
Doctors and inventors face similar challenges. Each must confront unsolved problems and rely on specialized knowledge.
Patent expirations for lucrative blockbuster drugs eroded fourth-quarter sales for top drugmakers.