Apple has filed a patent that could enable its new iMac to wirelessly charge peripheral devices without any contact.
Dunkin' Donuts made a claim declaring its coffee the "Best in America,," but was denied by the patent and trademark office.
Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) was granted a design patent for page-turning on its mobile devices this week by the United States Patent Office.
Apple and HTC reached a global settlement that encompasses the beginning of a 10-year cross-licensing deal and the end of all current lawsuits between them.
It appears like Apple's quest for rounded rectangle patent has paid off finally! The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued patent no. D670,286 to Apple Tuesday Nov.6, and it covers the outer edge shape of the device.
Apple's second patent lawsuit against Samsung targets eight devices including the Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note and Galaxy S2, and a host of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab range. Reports streaming in indicate that the iPhone maker is now keen to add Google’s Jelly Bean 4.1 Android build as well.
Windows 8 was only released last week, and Microsoft may already be facing a patent infringement lawsuit for the new software's tiled interface.
Pharmaceutical companies are still struggling with a steep "patent cliff," as multiple blockbusters lose their patent protections.
Apple has secured the patent for the third version of slide-to-unlock patent, with patent number 8,286, 103 issued Wednesday, The Verge has reported.
A patent application filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Thursday indicates that Apple is working on a unique set of headphones that can withstand the rigors of athletic activity eliminating the need for cords, AppleInsider has reported.
In a court filing Monday, South Korean tech giant Samsung added the latest iPhone 5 to an existing patent-infringement lawsuit against Apple, claiming that the device had infringed certain wireless and feature patents held by the company.
RIM reported encouraging results, but it's still gambling BlackBerry 10 can be finished before cash needs force alternatives.
An Apple patent claiming ownership over Siri has just been discovered, and alludes to a heavier emphasis on the voice-activated assistant in future iOS updates.
A newly released patent, filed in March but published on Thursday, describes a handful of new technologies currently being cooked up in Apple’s research & development labs in Cupertino for new iDevices, including tactile keyboards, laser microphones and speakers, and flexible displays.
When Research in Motion (Nasdaq: RIMM) reports 2Q results, nobody will be surprised about another giant loss. How much longer?
A judge at the U.S. International Trade Commission found that Apple hadn?t violated any of Samsung?s patent rights for products designed into the iPhone and iPad product lines. Last month, a jury in U.S. District Court in San Jose, Calif., determined Samsung had infringed upon Apple?s patents and awarded the Cupertino, Calif., company $1.05 billion in compensation.
Steve Wozniak, the programmer and computer engineer who helped launch what would later become Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL), didn't have the best things to say about his former company when the subject of Apple's recent legal battle with Samsung (KRX:005930) came up, even as he expressed his anticipation for purchasing the new iPhone 5. Speaking to Bloomberg about Wednesday's launch of the highly anticipated iPhone 5 unveiling, Wozniak praised the iPhone 5, but also commented on the recent ...
Even before Apple (AAPL) could unveil its next-generation iPhone, the Chinese seem to be in a tearing hurry as a company by name GooPhone has released a new phone GooPhone I5 that bears strong resemblances to leaked images of the next-generation iPhone, often referred to as iPhone 5.
Patent resolution talks have been conducted by Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) CEO Tim Cook and Google (Nasdaq: CEO) Larry Page and may continue, Reuters reported.
Patent expert Alexander Poltorak, CEO and chairman of General Patent Corporation, advocates multi-tier patent system, specialized patent courts and arbitration forums as the key facilitators for the speedy resolution of increasing number of patent disputes and dubs patents as the new currency in Knowledge-Based Economy.
Patent expiries mean annual sales of 15 different categories of heart drugs are set to fall by more than a quarter by 2017, from $83 billion in 2011 to $60 billion, according to consensus analyst forecasts compiled by Thomson Reuters Pharma.
Shares of Samsung Electronics (Seoul: 005930) rose 15,000 Korean won (US $13.21) in Seoul trading on Tuesday, despite requests by Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), the world's most valuable technology company, to ban sales of as eight products in the U.S.