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Hackers target intelligence agency contractors

Hackers, likely working for foreign governments, are actively trying to steal classified government data by breaking into the computer networks of contractors that work for U.S. intelligence agencies.

TSA Scanner Upgrade: No More Naked Images

TSA Scanners
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will replace the controversial full body scanners, which show passenger-specific images, with ones that show a generic body outline.
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Cyber theft illustrates Pentagon security challenge

A foreign intelligence service stole 24,000 files from a U.S. defense contractor earlier this year, a dramatic illustration of the threat confronting the Pentagon as it works to bolster military computer security, a top defense official said on Thursday.
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Key senator calls for special cyber security panel

Republican Senator John McCain called on Wednesday for the creation of a bipartisan panel to draft long-sought legislation to combat data breaches and espionage aimed at U.S. companies and defense networks.
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Obama: Social Security Checks Could Stop, if No Debt Deal

The rhetoric is getting hot and heavy inside the beltway regarding the debt talks. On Tuesday, the Republicans essentially said the Democrats haven't offered a viable debt deal proposal and President Obama said Republican reluctance to compromise could prevent senior citizens from receiving Social Security payments on August 3.
President Barack Obama, D-Ill. with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio

Obama, GOP Now Eyeing 'Grand Debt Deal' - $4T in Cuts

Suddenly, momentum is building in the nation's capitol toward what could be an historic deficit reduction package -- a grand deal deal of $4 trillion or more in cuts -- including changes to entitlement programs, cuts in defense spending, and selected tax increases via ending tax loopholes.
U.S. President Barack Obama

Debt Talks: Obama Open to Social Security, Medicare Cuts

President Barack Obama has shifted his strategy in debt talks with Republicans, offering a substantially larger deficit reduction package that would include cuts to Medicare and Social Security in exchange for eliminating tax breaks.


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