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Citigroup - New York

Citi Credit Card Breach Risk Was Anticipated

Citigroup does not know how the computer breach revealed Thursday which affected hundreds of thousands of its credit card customers took place, but such an event fell in line with a risk the company outlined to shareholders in its publicly available annual report in March.
Citigroup confirms security breach

Hackers reign; Citigroup confirms security breach

Citigroup confirmed a security breach at Citi Account Online, which was discovered by the authorities recently during a routine monitoring. The names, account numbers and contact information, including email addresses of the customers have been compromised. More critical information like date of birth, social security numbers, card expiration date and card security code (CVV) have not been accessed by the hackers, Citi said.
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Hacking crisis costs EMC reputation in security

A recent cyber breach at EMC Corp's RSA security division and a related attack at defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp have damaged RSA's once-stellar reputation, according to industry experts.
Apple WWDC Excerpts from Keynote Address:  iOS 5 has Twitter and Notifications, Lion demo

Apple iOS 5 easily jailbroken, mounting security woe

Apple's new iOS 5 operating system was not to be released for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch until 2011 fall. But apparently a backdoor was left open, where one eager beaver from Turkey has figured out how to install iOS 5 without a developer account.
iCloud Banner at Apple WWDC, San Francisco

Apple iCloud debut, questions remain unanswered

The newly announced iCloud is puffing up the expectation for mroe popular and user-friendly cloud service. For those of us who may not see the loopholes, here are some questions that remain unanswered. You may want to consider before jumping into iCloud, and answer for me if possible.
Steve Jobs talks about the iCloud service at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco

Will iCloud be the next target of hackers?

Are you sure you want to entrust your digital assets to the cloud? You may want to ask the hackers, who have dominated the news with their successes in hacking Sony, Amazon and Google.
Sony Hacked by LulzSec, May Play Cat and Mouse Following Apple

FBI moles run illegal sites that deal in hackers' loot of sensitive data

The hackers' world is one of immense intrigue; betrayal looms large ahead of them at every turn and nasty surprises are what they deal with every day. And then, they cohabit with the strangest partners, the law enforcement machinery. For some, the governments offer protection against the pirates, hackers and cyber criminals of all hues, while for others, it's the government machinery that is in the dock - for invasive control over every movement, even the thought processes of all people.


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