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Menchu Sanchez

Menchu de Luna Sanchez At State Of The Union; One Of Hurricane Sandy’s Many Heroes

Hurricane Sandy devastated the East Coast of the United States and thousands lost their homes and were without power for weeks. In the wake of the storm, Menchu de Luna Sanchez was a hero, helping to rescue 20 infants from New York University Langone Medical Center after the hospital lost power and will attend the State of the Union.
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Is 'Blizzard Nemo' The Next Hurricane Irene? As NYC Braces For 'Snowpocalypse,' Some Predict Under 6 Inches

The Snowpocalypse is coming to New York City! Stock up on duct tape, ramen, freshwater and ammo to be prepared for "Blizzard Nemo!" Or maybe we'll only get a dusting, or even just a light rain. Who knows anymore? Ever since Hurricane was Irene downgraded to a light drizzle as it approached Manhattan in 2011, it's been difficult to trust weather forecasters, and what's being described in some reports as a catastrophic winter weather event could easily shape up to be little more than a slight inconvenience for those hoping to go out this weekend.


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