Music streaming giant Spotify on Wednesday announced it would be posting music videos on its platform in "select markets", entering an arena long dominated by YouTube.
The advertisement also draws contrasts between Biden and Trump by emphasizing the 2022 infrastructure law.
Over 1,000 rockfalls have occured in Yosemite in the past 150 years.
One of the clips shows a White girl spraying brown paint on another girl while making racist comments.
Red Cross is on the ground to evaluate how to help out the affected residents.
The incident was filmed at the Jonesboro High School in Clayton County, Georgia.
The victim's cousin tried to break up the fight but one of the attackers threatened him with a knife and told him to stay away or face consequences.
Eunice Dwumfour was found in her vehicle by officers from Sayreville Police Department with multiple gunshot wounds.
"Saturday Night Live" returned with actor Michael B. Jordan as host.
Gage suffered an injury after he fell at the same time when Cowboys safety Donovan Wilson leaned in for a tackle.
Serena Williams was baptized at the Jehovah's Witness Assembly in West Palm Beach, Florida.
The incident happened on Dec. 15 in the Winchester area of Riverside County, California.
The passenger was removed from the flight and handed to the Queensland Police.
"Two clowns walking in slow motion is really impressive," a Twitter user commented.
The teacher was heard saying, "I believe in Jesus so I'm interrupting the floor."
Zahkee Austin, 22, is considered armed and dangerous.
After landing on the hard concrete floor 15 feet below, the puppy reportedly suffered a broken leg.
"I was always afraid that I had missed that opportunity to really bond with her and that she didn't love me," Katherine Heigl said.
"The behavior seen in the video is sickening and has no place on the Uber platform or anywhere in society," a spokesperson from Uber said.
The woman was arrested by the local police and fined an unknown amount for her actions.
The victim needed a trip to the hospital following the attack.
"Didn't think I needed to say this: Please don't throw Skittles," the official Twitter handle of Skittles tweeted.