Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift is pictured during her Artist of the Decade performance at the American Music Awards in Los Angeles on Nov. 24, 2019. ABC/Image Group LA

Taylor Swift released some behind the scenes footage from her most recent music video, but this time it’s her dad who is the star. The footage is all about Swift’s father, Scott Swift, as he made his debut appearance in her latest music video for “The Man.”

“So we have a very special performance in this video,” the artist says in the clip’s opening.

The behind-the-scenes clip, subtitled “The Umpire,” shows footage of Scott’s time acting as the umpire in a tennis match where Taylor stands on the court below him in her male makeover.

The scene in the music video is where Swift has a “royal meltdown” after the umpire declares her shot out of bounds. She then begins angrily pelting her father with tennis balls while pretending to have a tantrum.

Swift said her dad enjoyed the entire filming process particularly his acting debut.

“He’s pretty proud of himself,” she said in the video. “I’ve never been prouder of his acting skills — which who knew? Who knew he had a passion for it? I didn’t know. He’s gonna start auditioning now.”

Swift seemed proud of her father’s acting abilities as well and can be heard in the clip praising him: “Great job, dad, that was exquisite acting.”

Swift’s relationship with her father was recently displayed in Netflix’s “Miss Americana” documentary which gave fans an inside look into the past few years of her life, particularly her decision to open up to the public about her political beliefs.

In a scene from the video, Swift is shown with tears in her eyes as she argues with her father and other male members of her team about her dislike of then potential Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate Marsha Blackburn, BuzzFeed reported.

“Dad, I need you to forgive me for doing it. Because I’m doing it,” she said.

Although Blackburn won the senate seat, Swift’s candid post about her political beliefs led to a huge spike in voter turnout, according to The Washington Post.

Even with the disagreement over whether Swift should speak out about politics, she and her dad seem to have a strong relationship, one that was only strengthened by his recent appearance in her music video.

“I think it was a real bonding experience,” she said.

“The Man” music video was released on Feb. 27 and marked Swift’s directorial debut, according to Vox.