‘A Timeless Christmas’ Hallmark Movie Premiere: Trailer, Synopsis. Cast
The holiday season continues on Hallmark Channel with the premiere of their newest holiday film, “A Timeless Christmas,” based on the book by Alexis Stanton. The film, part of “Countdown to Christmas 2020,” stars Erin Cahill and Ryan Paevey.
Cahill will likely be recognized by Hallmark fans, as she has starred in projects on the network before, including “Sleigh Bells Ring,” “Love, Fall & Order” and “The Secret Ingredient,” as well as Hallmark Movies and Mysteries’ “Last Vermont Christmas.” Other notable holiday films included roles in Lifetime’s movies, ‘Hometown Christmas” and “Random Acts of Christmas” as well.
Paevey, meanwhile, is a Hallmark staple who fans will certainly recognize. After getting a big break as Nathan West on “General Hospital,” he went on to star in several Hallmark films—including “Unleashing Mr. Darcy,” “Harvest Love,” “Marrying Mr. Darcy,” “From Friend To Fiancé,” “A Summer Romance,” “Christmas At The Plaza” and “Matching Hearts.”
Despite the impressive Hallmark credentials Cahill and Paevey both have though, this will be the first time they’ve worked on a project together. So what can fans expect?
“Charles Whitley (Paevey) travels from 1903 to 2020 where he meets Megan Turner (Cahill), a tour guide at his historic mansion, and experiences a 21st Century Christmas,” a synopsis for the film reads.
Will a 21st Century Christmas also mean a 21st-century romance?
“A Timeless Christmas” premieres Sunday, Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. EST on Hallmark Channel.
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