Timeline: Charlie Hebdo Attack May Have Been Provoked by 2006 Magazine Cover

French police were still on a manhunt Thursday for the suspects in the Paris murders of 12 victims, 10 journalists and two policemen. The massacre at Charlie Hebdo was aimed at the satirical magazine's controversial content, both inside the paper and on the cover.
Below is a timeline of events related to the attack on Charlie Hebdo, including the images of the Prophet Muhammad that may have provoked the shooting, as well as the world’s reaction to it.
Events leading up to attack:
2006 – The magazine runs a cover of Prophet Muhammad crying because of fundamentalism.
2010 – The magazine runs a cover of a nude Muslim woman with a burqa in an inappropriate place in response to France’s law banning women from wearing them in public.
2011 – The magazine runs “Sharia Hebdo,” a special Arab Spring edition that included a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad as a “guest editor.” The magazine is later attacked by a fire bomb.
2012 – The magazine runs a cover of an Orthodox Jewish man pushing a Muslim man in a wheelchair, a riff on the movie “The Intouchables.”
Wednesday's attack:
12:28 a.m. EST – The last message on Charlie Hebdo’s Twitter is a cartoon depicting Islamic State group’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
4:45 a.m. EST – Gunmen enter the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris. A video from an unidentified bystander shows the shooting of a police officer.
6:30 a.m. EST – News starts to come out about the attack by at least two gunmen, killing 11 and injuring 10, five of whom are in critical condition. Among the victims are Editor-in-Chief Stéphane Charbonnier and cartoonist Jean Cabut. In 2012, Charbonnier said “without freedom of speech, we are dead” and said “I prefer to die than live like a rat.”
7 a.m. EST – Death toll rises to 12: 10 journalists and two police officers.
7:45 a.m. EST – French President François Hollande calls the attack an “exceptional act of barbarism.”
7:50 a.m. EST – The United States comments. Agence France-Presse reports that White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on MSNBC that “The United States stand ready to work closely with the French.”
11:30 a.m. EST – The streets of Paris are on lockdown and the streets were quiet. Social media users take to the Internet to use hashtag #JeSuisCharlie, meaning “I am Charlie.”
12 p.m. EST – Experts begin to weigh in on the attack, looking at the weapons used and skills of the gunmen.
1:30 p.m. EST – Thousands flood Paris’ Place de la Republique for a candlelight vigil.
3:30 p.m. EST – Hollande declares Thursday a national day of mourning for those killed in the Charlie Hebdo attack.
4 p.m. EST – Suspects in the shooting are named: Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi and Hamyd Mourad. The Kouachi brothers’ past has possible links to al Qaeda and the Islamic State.
7 p.m. EST – Rallies take place across the globe as protestors raise their pens for free speech.
10 p.m. – Hundreds of military personnel are sent throughout Paris, including 16 security units and mounted police squadrons.
The day after the attack:
Newspapers around the world responded to the attacks with front pages devoted to the French magazine. Pope Francis dedicated his Mass to the victims.
12 a.m. EST – An explosion occurs at a restaurant near a mosque in France, about 300 miles south of Paris. The mayor of the town tells Le Progress it was linked to the Charlie Hebdo attacks, though there is no evidence. Other mosques in France were also attacked. On social media, French Muslims are showing concern for the aftermath of these attacks.
4:58 a.m. EST – A French policewoman died from her injuries during a second gun attack, but it is unclear if the shooting is linked to the attack at Charlie Hebdo’s office.
6 a.m. EST – France observes a moment of silence at noon for the victims of the attack.
7 a.m. EST – Two armed suspects believed to be involved in the magazine attack are believed to have been located.
8 a.m. EST – Police have located a vehicle that was abandoned by the two suspects.
8 a.m. EST – Charlie Hebdo editors announce there will be an edition next week following the attack. AFP reports Patrick Pelloux, one of the surviving editors, said, "It's very hard. We are all suffering, with grief, with fear, but we will do it anyway because stupidity will not win.”
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