Israel's Gloves Are Off

Israel Netanyahu
The summer is past and cooler temperatures prevail throughout the Middle East. What a season for a good fight.
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Asian Markets Rise Amid US Budget Agreement Expectation

Most of the Asian markets rose Monday as investor sentiment turned positive amid hopes that the U.S. congressional leaders will come to an agreement with President Barack Obama in taking the measures to overcome the lingering fiscal cliff.
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Barack Obama And McKayla Maroney Are 'Not Impressed' [PHOTO]

U.S. President Barack Obama met on Thursday with members of the country's gold medal-winning Women's Gymnastics team at the London 2012 Summer Olympics, and a photo taken at the meeting featuring Obama mimicking of McKayla Maroney’s “Not Impressed” face quickly went viral online.

Taxpayers: Sharing The Misery

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once said: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”


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