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Obama Solidifies Lead Over Romney, Post-Convention

President Barack Obama maintains a lead of 5 percentage points over Republican Mitt Romney as he solidifies his advantage in the U.S. presidential race, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday.
Putin And Obama

In Putin We Trust?

Our leaders do this from time to time -- convince themselves they can change the ways of an authoritarian ruler and, through a mix of logic, sweet talk, and carrots, convince him to do what we’d like.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York CEO William Dudley believes QE3 remains a viable option to "provide greater stimulus" to the economy

The Truth Behind QE3

In the statement released with the initiation of the new program, it was obvious the Fed hoped to stimulate the economy while lowering unemployment and boosting the housing market.

Obama Spikes in Political Futures Markets As QE3 Ignites Furious Rally

All kinds of markets have been up following the announcement last Thursday of further monetary stimulus from the U.S. central bank. But the one thing that has gone up the most, according to futures markets where people put money on such things, are the chances Barack Obama will win the U.S. presidential election in November.


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