'Birtherism' And Akin Dominate Pre-Convention Talk Shows [VIDEOS]

Sunday morning's talk show circuit featured a particularly matronly streak, with abortion, birth and Mother Nature dominating most of the political punditry's attention. The talk shows rolled into the day amid the continuing fallout over Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comment and Mitt Romney's "birth certificate" comment.
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The Bain Files: Romney Document Dump Reveals Secrets To A 13% Tax Rate

Newly-released documents confirm criticisms of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s road to enduring riches. What emerges is a system that exploits several weaknesses in tax laws regarding overseas investments, as well as backdoor methods of swapping assets behind the government’s back. How politically damning any of this may be remains to be seen. But in the case of the Bain files, we know being “Romney Rich” isn’t simple. But it’s a lot more profitable than working a 9-to-5 with a...
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What Is The ‘Misery Index’ Saying About Obama's Re-Election Chances?

An unofficial gauge of human misery in the U.S. is now sitting at its lowest level in three years. Not four. In other words, while conditions have improved somewhat, Americans are still feeling miserable under President Barack Obama's watch and that obviously doesn't bode well for Obama's re-election chances.
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Obama: Akin 'Missed Science Class'

President Barack Obama piled on Missouri GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin Wednesday night, mocking Akin by saying he "somehow missed science class."
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Anti-Barack Obama Documentary Could Be The Sleeper Hit Of 2012

“2016: Obama’s America,” opens for wide release on Friday, just in time for the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. Much to the delight of the right-wing pundits who have been heavily promoting it over the last month, the film has sold more advance tickets than any other movie on Fandango.
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Keep Bernanke, Romney Economic Adviser Suggests

Ben Bernanke received an unlikely defense of his work at the U.S. Federal Reserve by a top Mitt Romney adviser, who said on Tuesday that he should be considered for a third term as chairman


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