Akin Remarks Illuminate Paul Ryan's Abortion Views

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The Romney campaign has disavowed Rep. Todd Akin's controversial statement that women's bodies can terminate pregnancies caused by rape, but Mitt Romney's newly minted running mate has often aligned with Akin's positions on abortion.
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Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Dies At 57

Meles Zenawi, the influential prime minister of Ethiopia died Monday at the age of 57 from an undisclosed illness ending weeks of speculation about his health, the Ethiopian state television announced Tuesday.
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The Obamas' First Kiss Immortalized

The Obamas' First Kiss Gets Immortalized On A Plaque In Hyde Park

As political pundits are scrutinizing the campaign moves of President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney ahead of the November Presidential poll, there's another report that is being hogged with equal intensity - immortalization of the Obamas' first kiss.
Rob Zerban: Is He Obama's Key To Defeating Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney In November?

Rob Zerban: Is He Obama's Key To Defeating Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney In November?

The "announcement" of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's official running mate in the 2012 presidential elections has officially shaken up race leading up to November. Suddenly, the conversation has shifted from tax returns and jobs to healthcare and the future of Medicaid. There is one man that could provide some perspective on Ryan, his proposals, and his history, and that man happens to be Ryan's congressional opponent in Wisconsin, democrat Rob Zerban.
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Biden's Blunders: The Vice President's 5 Top Gaffes

President Joe Biden has a reputation for misspeaking, and his latest verbal blunder -- telling a group of voters that Mitt Romney's tax policy would put "y'all back in chains" -- has bolstered that image.
Chris Christie

A Podium As Bait-And-Switch: Chris Christie’s Moment As GOP Convention Keynote Speaker

Chris Christie will deliver the keynote address in two weeks at the Republican National Convention. Many consider the primo speaking a launching point into national prominence. But Christie already garnered attention. So why did the Republican National Committee pick him? The answer may lie in the 2004 Democratic National Convention. And the results may not bode well for Mitt Romney.
US Immigration Policy

Undocumented Immigrants In US Eagerly Await Reprieve

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will begin accepting applications Wednesday for a new Obama administration initiative, first announced in June, that allows many undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children to temporarily avoid deportation and obtain legal work permits.

Paul Ryan: The Perfect Foil To Barack Obama

Mitt Romney couldn’t have made a better selection for his vice presidential nominee than Paul Ryan, or a better foil to highlight President Barack Obama’s shortcomings.
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NASA Mohawk Guy, Bobak Ferdowsi, Impresses President Obama – Will He Get a Mohawk in Support of NASA? [PHOTO]

Internet heartthrob Bobak Ferdowsi, better known simply as "mohawk guy," has received more than his fair share of compliments this week after images of his eccentric hairdo were broadcast during the Mars rover landing, spawning a meme honoring Ferdowsi's hair. But one impressed fan probably stood out above the rest for Ferdowski - President Obama, who called the NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to personally congratulate them on their successful mission.
2012 Election

US Rep. Ryan's V. President Obama's Medicare Cuts: A Primer

The Obama campaign is warning that newly-minted vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan's Medicare proposal will "end Medicare as we know it." Mitt Romney has vowed to shield Medicare from what he calls a ruinous cutbacks imposed by the Affordable Care Act. Which campaign is being accurate?
Paul Ryan

Ryan Republican VP Nomination May Not Attract Jewish-American Vote

Mitt Romney's close ties with Benjamin Netanyahu and his trip to Israel were supposed to attract more Jewish-American votes this fall. But Paul Ryan's proposed budget cuts to Social Security and Medicare might push some senior citizen Jewish-American Florida residents back into the Obama column.
Elderly Voters

Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Puts Elderly US Voters In Spotlight

By selecting U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to be his running mate, 2012 presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee Mitt Romney has also elevated Ryan's plan to reform Medicare, putting in play elderly voters who are skeptical of attempts to reform the cherished senior citizen health care program.


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