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Fed set to give economy therapy, not shock treatment

The Federal Reserve, facing rising global financial strains and recession fears, is poised to increase downward pressure on longer-term interest rates next week in a bid to accelerate a sputtering U.S. recovery.
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Fed to give economy therapy, not shock treatment

The Federal Reserve, facing rising global financial strains and recession fears, is poised to increase downward pressure on longer-term interest rates next week in a bid to accelerate a sputtering U.S. recovery.
2012 Election

5 Reasons Why Obama Could Lose the 2012 Election

With his approval rating at a term-low 40 percent, President Barack Obama needs several factors to break his way to improve his chance for re-election in 2012 -- the most important of which is job growth.

Kabul Attack: NATO Fights Last Taliban Militants in City [VIDEO]

Three militants were killed at the site earlier in the day, after then began shooting at the embassy. The attack was just one of a series of attacks in the capital that have left anywhere from two to 12 people dead, according to varying reports. The Taliban has claimed responsibility for Tuesday's events, which also include attacks on NATO headquarters, a police station and three attempted suicide bombings at the Kabul airport.

Counting the cost if EMU fails

Greece's exit from the euro zone would inflict untold damage on Europe's economy, further burnish the attractiveness of a rising Asia and hasten the emergence of China's yuan as a global currency.
A man eats lunch at the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, where hundreds of people receive food and supplies everyday, in Detroit, Michigan

Number of Poor Hit Record 46 Million in 2010

The number of Americans living below the poverty line rose to a record 46 million last year, the government said on Tuesday, underscoring the challenges facing President Barack Obama and Congress as they try to tackle high unemployment and a moribund economy.
Jayla waits for her tutor to arrive at the shelter where she lives in Los Angeles, California

Number of U.S. poor hit record 46 million in 2010

The number of Americans living below the poverty line rose to a record 46 million last year, the U.S. government said on Tuesday, underscoring the challenges facing President Barack Obama and Congress as they try to tackle high unemployment and a moribund economy.
Afghan policemen arrive at the site of a rocket-propelled attack in Kabul

Taliban attack across Kabul, target U.S. Embassy

Taliban fighters fired rockets at the U.S. Embassy and NATO headquarters in Kabul on Tuesday and attacked police in three other areas in the biggest assault the insurgent group has mounted on the Afghan capital.
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Car industry urges bold action over euro debt

Car industry executives from around the globe urged Europe's politicians to take bolder steps to solve the bloc's two-year-old debt crisis, warning its single currency could be derailed without more decisive action.
Romney and Perry are shown before the Reagan Centennial GOP presidential primary debate in Simi Valley

Republican Debate: Romney Wins with Churchill Bust

You know what you do when you're in a race? Go for the top dog. Republican presidential candidates did exactly that in Monday night's CNN/Tea Party debate in Florida. En masse, they gunned for front-runner Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
Europe Debt Crisis

U.S. Investors Concerned Europe Debt Crisis Will Worsen

U.S. investors remained concerned that Europe's leaders are not getting ahead of the Greek crisis, which could result in a full-fledged Europe bank crisis, even as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, while not committing more German funds to possible intervention, again dismissed talk of a Greek default.
Kabul attack

Taliban Strikes U.S. Embassy in Kabul

At least three sites in Kabul, Afghanistan were attacked Tuesday morning, including the U.S. embassy. Ten attackers, who are thought to be members of the Taliban, unleashed wave of violence in the city, hitting specific targets with guns, rockets and bombs.
Rick Perry in Tea Pary Debate

Is Rick Perry Fit for the Presidency?

Is Rick Perry another GOP presidential candidate fast-rising star who quickly flames out? First, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney came out of the gate as as Republican race front-runner, but then he went AWOL. Then, Michele Bachmann, the House Republican from Minnesota, won the Iowa Straw Poll, but that was on the same day that Texas Governor Rick Perry announced his candidacy.


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