India Hiring Outlook Falls Steeply - Manpower

Prospects for job seekers are gloomier in most major economies than they were three months ago, as weak U.S. and European economies begin to affect employers' confidence in other parts of the world, according to a quarterly hiring survey by ManpowerGroup.
Obama jobs bill

Obama Plan's Tax Hikes on Rich Stir Opposition

The future of the $450-billion jobs stimulus looked bleak after President Barack Obama unveiled a plan to raise taxes, reduce exemptions and repeal various oil subsidies in order to pay for the package.
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Mitt Romney

Romney, Perry's Growing Rivalry in Debate Spotlight

The budding rivalry of Republican presidential contenders Rick Perry and Mitt Romney takes the spotlight on Monday when the party's White House hopefuls meet in Florida for their second debate in less than a week.
Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney Gets Tim Pawlenty Endorsement

Former Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty endorsed Mitt Romney for president on Monday, further sharpening the distinction between Romney and Texas governor Rick Perry.
U.S. President Barack Obama embraces victims' family members as first lady Michelle Obama stands by at the 9/11 Memorial during the tenth anniversary ceremonies at the World Trade Center site in New York

Obama, Bush See Raw Emotions at 9/11 Events

President Barack Obama picked up where his predecessor George W. Bush left off in the war against Islamic militants after the September 11 attacks, and on Sunday both saw the raw emotions that linger 10 years later.
9/11 Anniversary

With Funereal Grief, America Marks September 11

Children yearned for lost parents and grown men and women sobbed in raw grief on the hard stone bearing the names of nearly 3,000 dead as America commemorated the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
9/11 Anniversary

U.S. Marks 10th Anniversary of Day Nation, World Changed

The United States marked the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack on New York, Washington, and Shanksville, Pa. Sunday with memorial services at the World Trade Center (WTC), the Pentagon, and at a field in Pennsylvania -- all three of which are hallowed ground.
With tears and emotion, Americans mark September 11

With tears and emotion, Americans mark September 11

Americans on Sunday remembered the horror of September 11, 2001, and the nearly 3,000 people who died in the hijacked plane attacks as authorities worked to ensure the emotional 10th anniversary was peaceful.
U.S. President Barack Obama addresses a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington

31 million watch Obama jobs speech on TV

More than 31 million Americans watched President Barack Obama deliver his agenda for creating jobs in a speech broadcast live on television, ratings data showed on Friday.
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Europe has firepower to address debts: U.S. official

Europe knows it must do more to persuade financial markets it is coming to grips with its debt problems but there is no question it has the financial firepower to do so, a senior U.S. official said on Friday.
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Caterpillar says has worker shortage despite job woes

Caterpillar Inc is struggling to add skilled workers in its manufacturing operations despite high U.S. unemployment levels that have forced President Barack Obama to take extraordinary measures, the company's chief executive said on Friday.
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Wall St tumbles on ECB resignation, job plan

Wall Street stocks tumbled on Friday after the surprise resignation of a European Central Bank executive board member brought concerns over the region's debt back to the fore.
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Analysis: Payroll tax cuts seen doable, but boost modest

The one component of President Barack Obama's jobs plan most likely to win approval in Congress -- payroll tax cuts -- will produce only a modest incremental lift to the U.S. economy and may barely nudge unemployment lower.


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