
Obama Calls for 'Renewed Sense of Urgency' to Balance Budget

In a White House address Monday, President Barack Obama said Standard & Poor's credit downgrade of the United States represented a statement on the nation's political will. Underscoring that "the U.S. is still an AAA country," Obama again called on congressional officials to make the tough decisions necessary to balance the budget long-term.
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U.S. President Barack Obama

S&P Downgrade: Will It Hurt President Obama?s Job Creation Effort?

The U.S. budget deficit was $1 trillion before he took the oath of office, he inherited a nation in deep recession, with a banking crisis, two wars, and now there's a credit downgrade stemming from decades of debt incurred before he was on the scene, but make no mistake about it, President Barack Obama has to create a lot of jobs for his presidency to succeed.
The Index Screen at the Warsaw Stock Exchange

U.S. Downgrade Damage Done: But Washington Must Still Fix the Problem

The U.S. credit rating downgrade could have easily been avoided, but political power struggles in Washington got in the way. Now, markets are reeling and damage has been done. But it's not too late to fix the problem, so that Moody's and other ratings agencies keep the U.S. with a AAA rating.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner makes opening remarks at the Women in Finance Symposium at the Treasury Department in Washington

Geithner to stay on as Treasury chief

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who had considered stepping down after the government borrowing limit was raised, confirmed on Sunday that he will remain at his post at President Barack Obama's request.
A Wall Street sign hangs on a signpost in front of the New York Stock Exchange

Debt issuers brace for impact from U.S. downgrade

A downgrade of United States' top-tier credit rating has Wall Street scrambling to figure out the knock-on effects for the financial system, from mortgages to banks to markets that rely on U.S. Treasuries for collateral.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai speaks during a meeting with U.S. senator John Kerry in Kabul

NATO investigates deadly Afghan helicopter crash

NATO tried to determine on Sunday if Taliban insurgents had shot down a troop-carrying helicopter in Afghanistan, killing 38 in the largest loss of life suffered by foreign forces in a single incident in 10 years of war.
At Issue: The Afghanistan War

SEALs Killed in Afghan Helicopter Crash Were on Rescue Mission

The U.S. Navy SEALs and other troops whose helicopter was shot down by the Taliban in eastern Afghanistan Saturday had rushed to the mountainous area to help a U.S. Army Ranger unit that was under fire from insurgents, two U.S. officials said Sunday.
Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas

Joel Osteen's Concert Turns Into Rick Perry's Political Prayer

On Hiroshima Bombing anniversary, televangelist Joel Osteen's concert in Houston on Saturday brought together as usual millions of people around the world to watch his music concert which went off live with Texas Governor Rick Perry scripture from the Book of Joel and Book of Isaiah
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White House adviser slams S&P after U.S. downgrade

A top White House economic adviser slammed Standard & Poor's on Saturday for having stuck with its decision to downgrade the U.S. credit rating despite having made a $2 trillion mistake in its fiscal projections.


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