Syrian Army Deploys Across Hama After Attack

Smoke is seen near a tank at Al-Bahra roundabout in Hama in this still image taken from video
Activists said the death toll in protests across Syria a day earlier, when tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets on the first Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, had risen to 26.
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China flays US over credit rating downgrade

The United States lost its top-tier AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor's, drawing a blast of criticism on Saturday from its biggest creditor China and deepening investors' alarm over the euro zone's debt crisis.
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U.S. Chinook helicopters leave after a security handover ceremony in Panjshir province

Taliban Shoots Down U.S. Helicopter, Kills 31 Troops, Mostly 'Team Six' SEALS

Marking the deadliest incident in the decade-long war, a military helicopter was shot down by the Taliban in eastern Afghanistan Saturday night, killing 31 U.S. special operation troops -- most of whom were Navy SEALS from "Team Six" - the unit that carried out the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, officials said.
Texas Governor Rick Perry

Rick Perry Prays For Barack Obama

Texas Governor Rick Perry called a prayer meeting in Houston on Saturday. He attended, and prayed for President Barack Obama. Perry is expected to soon announce his bid as a Republican presidential candidate.

Path to debt deal was too divisive: White House

The path to a debt deal took too long and was too divisive, and lawmakers must now work together to strengthen the country's fiscal position and spur growth, White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Saturday.
U.S. President Barack Obama talks about military veterans in the workforce while in Washington

More work ahead to get finances in order: Obama

President Barack Obama urged lawmakers on Saturday to set aside partisan politics after a fierce debt battle, saying they must work to put America's fiscal house in order and refocus on stimulating its stagnant economy.
Afghanistan's President Karzai attends the funeral ceremony for his brother Karzai at presidential palace in Kabul

NATO helicopter crashes in Afghanistan, killing 31 U.S. troops

A NATO helicopter crashed during a battle with the Taliban in Afghanistan, killing 31 U.S. soldiers and 7 Afghans, the Afghan president said on Saturday, a devastating toll and easily the worst single incident for foreign troops in 10 years of war.
Standard & Poor's

Will S&P?s Downgrade Increase U.S. Home Mortgage, Auto Loan Interest Rates?

In a stunning development, Standard & Poor?s Friday downgraded the U.S. Government's credit rating from AAA to AA+, arguing Washington has made inadequate progress cutting the budget deficit. The U.S. Treasury disagrees with S&P?s analysis and conclusion, but interest rates on U.S. home mortgages and car loans are likely to rise.
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U.S. Credit Downgrade: Is S&P Reliable?

The United States wouldn't enjoy "risk-free" top AAA credit rating any longer. Standard & Poor's decision, being questioned by many including the White House, to downgrade AAA rating to AA+ was based on an analysis which blew up U.S. deficits by $2 trillion.
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U.S. loses AAA credit rating from S&P

The United States lost its top-notch AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor's on Friday in an unprecedented reversal of fortune for the world's largest economy.
For Discussion: The U.S. Presidency

For President Obama, It's Create Jobs, or Lose One

President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party have nine months, or until about June 2012, to demonstrate to the American people that their policies can create 150,000 to 200,000 new jobs per month -- the amount needed to substantially lower employment and create ample opportunities for all.
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July payrolls rise soothes recession fears

U.S. job growth accelerated more than expected in July, tamping down fears the economy was sliding into a fresh recession and giving the Federal Reserve some breathing room.


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